Predictions for the next 2 months. Or, alternately titled, “2020: You ain’t seen nothing yet!”

My purpose here is to publicly show where my head is on 11/1/2020. I think it will be interesting to see this in retrospect, come January, 2021.
This should be play out as:
“Wow, Dan was really on it.” OR
“Wow, Dan was totally out to lunch.”

Or, of course, somewhere in between.

That’s pretty much my objective for this exercise.

Now, for some context….
I am neither a prophet nor an insider. But I do believe that 2020 is like a jigsaw puzzle, and that I’ve been blessed with clarity to see the puzzle’s final shape begin to emerge, along with how the rest of the pieces will fit in.

Maybe? We’ll see.

So, let’s dig in…

11/3: Donald Trump easily wins re-election and strengthens his hold on the Senate with 3 wins (Tuberville(AL), James(MI), and Lewis(MN)) vs. 1 loss (Collins(ME)) Good riddance, Susan Collins!
In the House, Trump also picks up a RINO-proof majority that will choose Jim Jordan as its next Speaker. Because of a large number of races (both parties) going to court on fraud allegations, the final HOR numbers won’t be known until Feb or March, but they’ll be red red red.
I see Trump’s floor as the 2016 elections (306-232EV’s) + 65M-65M too-close-to-call pop vote. No 2016 red state turns blue.

Trump has a “glass” ceiling of 48 states (OR and VT being out of reach) and 85M-55M PV with an expected 10M new voters and 15% net Dem crossover.
There is also a remote possibility that Trump blows through that glass ceiling and wins all 50 states with a 65%-32% clubbing of Old Joe as the “shy” Dem/Indy voters play the role of heroes and crossover 30% for Trump.

I’m not getting my hopes up, but it’s not impossible.
As we start to debrief from the election, we’ll see that all of the signs were there for a landslide -- the Trump rallies that drew 50K+, the rapper endorsements, Miami going red in early voting, trunalimunumaprzure.
So, why were we swayed by phony polls, like Charlie Brown being swayed by Lucy to kick the football? Many of us will realize that we simply hadn’t completely unplugged from the Matrix.
11/4: Republicans celebrate, but we need to consider this rout from a Leftist’s POV. Your world has turned upside down overnight. Everything you’ve been told -- the core of your existence -- was a lie. Trump wasn’t just a four-year anomaly as you’ve been told incessantly.
As far as you’re concerned, America is OVER. SCOTUS is gone and never coming back. POTUS, Senate, House. Gone.

You’re no longer the majority, no longer the cool kids.

America is over you. You suck.
So, the Left breaks into four basic coping mechanisms.

1) The majority of Dems simply hit the snooze button, go back to sleep and wait to vote for AOC or some other loser in 2024.
2) Another group curls up in the fetal position, rocks itself to sleep (metaphorically) and wakes up Thursday morning ready to start finding new meaning in their lives.
3) A small third group, mostly politicians and journalists, decide to save what’s left of their careers, side with conservatives, repent of their misdeeds and work for post-election unity.
4) But a fourth group of angry, malcontented sociopaths goes absolutely, violently, unhinged ballistic.
With no restraints, moral or otherwise, riots begin on Wednesday (even Tuesday night). But these are not BLM-type rock-throwing, WalMart-looting riots.

And these are not rioters who have any hope of advancing their political cause, because they know that ship has sailed.
Rather, these are rioters with nothing to lose who are intent on burning it all to the ground rather than face another four years of Trump.

And they will use ANY means to get there: AK’s/AR’s in public places, IED’s, fentanyl, ricin, germ warfare, bleach, you name it.
“Arrows in the quiver”, as Nancy Pelosi calls them.

A “Dark Winter”, to use Biden’s terminology.
Horrific mass-casualty events begin, not just in expected places like Portland, Minneapolis and NYC, but throughout America in random places -- urban, suburban and rural.
By Wednesday night, Trump sends out *the* Tweet.

“My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us…….”

This is a signal to Patriots that the final act of the movie we’ve been watching is underway.
On Thursday, Trump issues a nationwide shelter-in-place directive and curfews and cancels all college football and NFL games for next weekend.
Local police, federal agents and local militias do a nice job of finding and crushing Antifa leadership -- having long ago infiltrated Antifa -- but the Insurrection is too broad, too nasty and too sociopathic to simply make it disappear in a few days.
As the Hellscape of mass casualty events plays out, though, there is also some very good news taking place.

The evil deeds of the Cabal -- Clintons, Bushes, Bidens, Obamas, Pelosis, etc -- are made public with the Hunter Biden and Anthony Weiner laptops.
Overseas, Patriots in other countries, emboldened by Trump’s victory, are rising up against tyrannical Globalist dictators. COVID restrictions are being walked back and, in at least one or two extreme cases, Globalist dictators are being forcibly removed from office.
Back home, good information is practically non-existent on the now-dying Google, Facebook and Twitter platforms, but rumors abound about arrests of top Globalists in the U.S.. Much of Congress (Dem and Rep) is implicated.
President Trump, trying to calm the country, but also not ready to tip his hand on Globalist arrests, takes to the Emergency Broadcast System as a means of sending out updates and calming Americans’ nerves.
Sunday, 11/8: Mass casualty events continue. Trump declares an Insurgency and invokes the 1807 Insurgency Act, which allows him to deploy the U.S. military to put down the insurgents.
~Wednesday, 11/11, the mass casualty events abate and Trump declares victory over Antifa and the other insurgency groups.
~Sunday, 11/15: Trump triggers the EBS again, but this time for an announcement of earth-shattering significance. An Internet feed, also run on all television stations, shows America the raw truth about the insurgency and the Globalists behind it.
For three days, Americans see taped confessions, military tribunals and horrendous videos (not even the worst of it) showing the diabolical degeneracy of the elites. It also includes messages announcing the positive, pro-America direction to which the country is headed.
The videos, intended to “re-program” America away from the MSM’s alternate reality and back toward objective Truth, shock and sober America. America’s elite were every bit as bad - if not worse - than Hitler's Nazis. The Truth will leave Americans scarred for generations.
Most importantly, though, these videos will tell a story of JUSTICE SERVED against these elitist monsters. Death penalties, in a majority of cases, administered quickly and dispassionately.
For the next two weeks, Americans, still on edge and mostly sheltered in place, are sobered to the point of numbness, now coming to grips with the realities of late-20th century and early-21 century US political and media leadership.
But at the same time, the air of evil begins to lift. COVID is exposed as simply a slightly-virulent form of the flu -- easily defeated by Vitamins, C&D + zinc. Trump demands that governors and mayors begin returning life to pre-COVID normal.
Even in dark-blue localities, governors and mayors comply with Trump’s anti-masking mandates and hope begins to fill the air. Celebrations for Trump’s electoral victory -- cut short by the insurrection -- begin in earnest.
By Thanksgiving, America is over the worst of it. The Insurgency is soundly defeated, and we're ready to give thanks, to God and country, as never before. Our hearts are heavy from coming to grips with what we had become, but also strong and joyful as we look to the future…
Now, if you think the first act was wild, you won’t believe what comes next. I’m not sure how much *I* believe it, but I want to get it out there just in case it comes to pass…..
While America was burning then recovering, gold and silver prices were quietly going through the roof -- gold making its way to $3,000 and silver to $75. FX and stock markets go through wild turbulence and threaten to spin out of control.
The system is dying. But in early December, a shocking announcement is made of a discovery of gold in America (the Grand Canyon is my educated guess) equal to or bigger than all of the gold that currently exists in the entire world.
This causes even more turbulence in the markets, with gold suddenly and violently falling to below $1,000/oz, FX markets trading like penny stocks and the Dow Jones going through 2K+ point daily swings.
Bank stocks crash, ala 2008. And where the collapse of Lehman Brothers set off a banking industry collapse in 2008, the behemoth DeutscheBank in Germany collapses, setting in motion an even larger worlwide banking collapse.
~Friday, December 11: With DeutscheBank in an unrecoverable tailspin and other large, US banks teetering on the brink of disaster, rumors of a Depression-era bank run fill social media. Americans withdraw cash from banks at a record rate.
After the banks close on Friday, 12/11, Trump declares a bank holiday. Banks will be closed for one week to recapitalize so as to avoid a full-on bank run.
During the bank holiday, Trump declares a *debt jubilee*. All debts, foreign and domestic, are hereby forgiven.

ALL debts.
In addition, and perhaps more significantly, the Federal Reserve Bank is disbanded (rolled into the Department of Treasury); Federal Reserve Notes are replaced by gold-backed US Treasury Notes; and the Income Tax is abolished, replaced by a national consumption tax.
U.S. debts owned by foreign governments are settled in gold. Debts owned by domestic entities (i.e. pension funds) are swapped 1-for-1 (FRN’s → USTN’s). Banks owning now-forgiven consumer debts (and other debts) are also recapitalized 1-for-1 with US Treasury Notes.
This includes the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Clintons, Bushes and the rest of the elite class and guarantees that the number of USTN’s required to replace FRN’s will be FAR less than the FRN’s currently in circulation. Hello, $0.79 gasoline.
~December 19, Trump gives more details about the debt jubilee, describing it as a Christmas present to all Americans, and as the first major act of his ongoing “Keep America Great” campaign.
In return, though, Trump asks Americans to take an active role in overcoming homelessness and elevating/cleaning up poor communities and sets up new agencies to that end.
Trump said throughout his re-election campaign that 2021 was going to be the greatest economic year in America’s history. With us now freed from the shackles of Globalist debt slavery, Trump will have greatly understated his case.
2021 will, in fact, be the anti-2020. A return to not only normalcy, but a transition to a greatness that most of us never could have imagined.
I have thoughts about how this all will play out over about a 50-year period (extremely great, then extremely terrible), but I’ll wait and see how these predictions play out first.

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