Caribbean Rhythms EP 56 NOTES: Wholesome Titties Desires and the Misguided Desire for Secession (a longing for release):
INTRO: Killing of a Chinese Bookie (1976)

The movie captures vibe of old LA and this memory is link to what we see today: general physiological decline that robs the avg man of joy and beauty in life. The local watering hole, the bar, the club.
Beauty and a way out of work, eat, sleep denied now to average man.

Some people attack Loki for defending natural preference. The loss of natural tastes always shows itself in some way... (yes, pre-approved DNC image is actually creepier than laptop cigarette fotos)
So BAP goes to Brazil. Tells USA top-tucks: “what are you good at? You’re not good at liberty anymore. You don’t even go to the moon.” He met Playboy Prince of Nairobi and maybe will introduce him sometime.

The ass is not something unspeakable but it is not fitting.
But something is Crack to women: the dainty sweets! They are attacking the natural strength of Brazil. This is the enemy that never sleeps.

-Being obese is like being an amputee, but actually worse. It f*cks a young mind, especially of young girls.
GENOA or Istanbul or Buenos Ares: city a life or a work camp. No gentrification in Genoa. Obesity did this and all that lead to this. Fat bearded guy in cargo shorts. Fat jiggling cellulite b*tch on stage.

Have to find a way out. Maybe try Genoa:
Part 2: Case for secession. It appears natural.

Gavin Newsom winks at CA as its own Nation-State:

Secession will not save you: letting CA go will not save the USA. But first, the argument for secession.
The divergent views on morality and how to live, reflected in the different manners of the ruling class and the redblooded Americans... BAP even likens this divide to two different species emerging. And why not? Only one group has "men and women" while the other...
And apparently a straightforward path to secession:
Move to the states. There is a mechanism there. Why won’t TX and SD just refuse to enact Kamala psycho decrees.


They will keep doing their “sanctuary” and anti-White policies either way.
Part 3 (and a little from part 2): SECESSION is not desirable.

If you can fend off a seceded CA (and they will attaq), then you can control USA as is.

This is the ENEMY THAT DOESN’T SLEEP. Skin color republics will not save you. You need “internal change of face/spirit.”
The problem with secession is you do not have 2 historical peoples arranged against each other, but a ruling and occupational class that is set against the people. There is either revolution or civil war.

1917 Russia: The White Guard knew: the fight was for everything.
Stalin was not interested in being a good nationalist. Stalin was going to invade Europe. Tens of Thousands of tanks ranged on his borders.
Long list of reasons:
o Bill Ayers: Reeducation camps.
o Federal bureaucrats fantasize about killing millions of whites.
o Would you jail those who arm the redbloodeds in CA? The CA Revolutionary Guard will go to war with you anyway.
- If you get rid of quota systems, the society will racially stratify and that is a pretext for war against you.
- They lied about Kosovo. It was the serbs trying to protect the oldest part of their country from being ripped away from them: 90 days of bombing. Killed civilians.
-They will not tolerate you living different from them. Not far a way and not a hated and feared neighbor.
- One way or another: secession = war. Secession allows them to solidify their position, rally foreign support, and continue the war.
- Economic reset… (The dollar)
Desire for Secession is a DESIRE FOR REST. It is a pipe dream. The lower never stops, the higher must always work. The enemy never sleeps and you cannot make him happy by ceding territory and new rights.
Part 4: No Historical Examples Match the situation.

States would be natural mechanism but the boundaries are mostly fake. They don’t have distinct local culture. Not like ethnically German south Tyrol Italy & the North Italians.
Not Yugoslavia with its distinct ethnic and cultural territories. The borders of states in USA are fake, porous and don’t respond to historical or linguistic identities. It is Cities vs Rural.

What nation has broken up over moral concerns without other divisions & boundaries?
Nostromo by Joseph Conrad. Based on his time in Venezuela, 1906. Still the story of Latin America today. They cycle of coup-counter-coup attempts at secession. All before CIA… the birth of a new republic in this book. How does it happen in this book?
Catalonia wants to secede.

Steam Punk Father of Racism: the only masculine and practical people on the Mediterranean. Similar to the Germanics a Teutonic spirit. That Catalans. Rich and bankrolling other parts so they feel.
America cannot accomplish this and should not. So much depends on the strength of the dollar, which depends on military might and unification. Our currency is a reserve currency and therefore valuable. Without this... Congo level economy. Peter Schiff:
Or maybe... 10,000 years of Piracy is what is next!

Thanks to @bronzeagemantis for great show!
Look to @RogueScholarPr for next week's notes.
Always respect to @CypressRevival

& Remember: Votar Por Donald Trump!
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