Whenever I see Jeremy Corbyn interviewed nowadays, I'm always shocked. Shocked by his gaunt, exhausted appearance. He's aged 20 years in no time.

And the reason I'm shocked is: that was done to him. By a witchhunt the likes of which I've never seen done to anyone else anywhere.
There's people out there who won't be satisfied until the poor man's in a box. With gold handles.

Movements which speak of 'solidarity' do not do to decent, kind people.
Do you know what I think brought him down? Shame. On two levels:

1. Being made to feel ashamed for even existing for day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, by a disgusting daily drumbeat of hysteria and nonsense.
2. Because he's a decent, kind man, personal shame too. He'll have asked himself again and again: "Am I an antisemite? So many people say I am, so am I?"

Because Corbyn, unlike the narcissists who usually lead political parties, DOES care about what others think.
In the end, the Labour Party and movement cannot just be about one man. That's a road to nowhere. As it is for the left elsewhere. The left has a horrible tendency to end up worshipping or idolising one individual.

But Corbyn's treatment has been despicable.
He inspired millions. He helped them believe that a better world was possible.

For that, one of the most corrupt countries in the advanced world treated him like he was Lucifer.

It's not and it will never be acceptable. In fact, it's terrifying.
The message it sends to young people who want to get involved in politics because, y'know, only the future of our entire species depends on it is:

"No. Fuck off. And if you don't do what we tell you, we won't just defeat you. We'll party on your grave".
Even in the US, while Bernie Sanders has many enemies, he was never ever treated remotely like this. He's inspired a whole new generation of brilliant young activists and politicians: many of them female and multi-ethnic. That's fantastic.
UK politics is worse than that. It is mean, it is cruel, it is nasty beyond belief.

When I voted for Keir Starmer, I believed he was on the side of the angels. I have mounting doubts about that. He cannot talk about "uniting the party" while making no effort to do so.
Unless his idea of "uniting the party" is to do so with a clenched fist from the top down? "Sit down, pay your subs and shut up". Not acceptable. Not in any way.

The left forms just as vital a part of the Labour Party as any other. It is brim full of vision and ideas.
Quite categorically, it does not deserve to be treated in such a dismissive, scornful, sneering, contemptuous way.

What happens to Corbyn now and what happens when the inquiry into the leaked report is published will be hugely instructive in that.
"Uniting the party" means reaching out. To all sides. It does not and can never mean silencing one part of the party and pushing it away.

The Labour movement should be such a force for good in Britain. Ultimately, that's up to the leader. To coin a phrase: I hope HE reflects.
Solidarity with Jeremy Corbyn.

#IStandWithJeremyCorbyn #ReinstateJeremyCorbyn
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