the one good thing about anti sjws in like 2012 was that they called out the bullshit, coward position of "oh do you support equality of the sexes, well THAT makes you a feminist"
to clear up confusion, I just think a way more valuable way of conceptualizing feminism is "a movement that specifically seeks to liberate people from patriarchy."

you're not REALLY a feminist if you don't think there's a problem that needs solving in the first place right
and that's where the likes of shoeonhead and sargon rightly intervened. no, they're not, or at least weren't, feminists, even though they ostensibly liked the idea of gender equity in some abstract way
Also trying to pedantically convince people that they’re already part of some movement literally does nothing. Like okay cool I’m a feminist according to the feminist textbook now let’s get back to this important anita sarkeesian problem
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