Lawyers for both campaigns know what the laws are, and they know -- despite what you may hear from the president or surrogates -- that votes take longer than on Election Day to be counted. There's no room for conspiracy in elections. The vote count WILL CHANGE AND THAT'S NORMAL.
In fact, each state has laws for when they need to certify results, and none is on Election Day.

For example:

CA stretches all the way to Dec. 11
MD/MO/NJ Dec. 8
TX Dec. 3
NV/WI Dec. 1
AZ/CO/IA/MT/NE Nov. 30

And on. Here's the full list of dates:
So don't listen to the noise. It's just spin. Follow the law, and let's hope everyone who is legally allowed to vote has their vote counted and have an accurate result through this Election Season NOT Election Day.
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