I saw various news reports incorrectly claiming "Public Health" says we are reaching a "new normal" of 1000 cases a day.

Media - almost everyone - falsely thinks Ministry of Health/CMOH/health tables are "Public Health".

PH is taking blame for bad things they didn't do/say. https://twitter.com/Pennyvane10/status/1322956492815896581
And the govt wants it this way.

"Public Health" branding gives govt decisions an air of authority and cred that govt on its own doesn't have or deserve.
It is designed to misinform, distort and even deceive the public about pandemic decision-making.
So far it is WILDLY successful.

It's pulling teeth just to get anyone to care and take the time to grasp why it matters and is actually super duper impt.

1) It means a HUGE amount of pandemic news stories in Ontario require correcting. Probably MOST.

That's thousands of stories all over the place.

2) Means owning up to a very big mistake.

3) Requires public ed effort.

4) PH is mortally afraid of triggering DFs wrath
So news media- if they've even seen my tweets - will resist accepting this Fact Check bc it means A LOT OF WORK.

It has major implications for pretty much everything.

Their reporting formula has to change.

& they'd have to take my word for it bc PHO/PHUs may ignore/stonewall
If they fear Wrath Of Doug.
Confirming this very basic fact about PH means ultimately confirming PHO/PHUs disagree with Ford govt and the health tables.

All the time.

Which is potentially nuclear.
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