To all you rubberneckers of the battle between fascism and democracy, all you white supremacy apologists-but-allowists, all you Trump/chaos addicts, those who are looking forward to a "boring presidency," lemme say a little something to you. (THREAD)
The fascist roots are not immediately dug up simply because we change who is seated at the head of the table. We have seen firsthand how corrupt leaders across our nation are, through oppression, suppression, and complicity.
We need to oust the politicians who gave hall passes to the illegal activities of this administration, who stoked the flames of racism and xenophobia, whose focus was not only to hold on and recklessly wield any available power, but use brutal, damaging strokes.
We need to do the work in our communities to continue boosting the voices of the marginalized and to throw our support behind the activists and warriors who have toiled under this administration and been brutalized by a militarized police force.
We cannot continue marching forward with a "both sides" mentality. We have reached a point where one of the "sides" is clearly sinister. The GOP chooses hot or cold, meaning no lukewarm messages or archaic expectations of gallantry will change that.
We must abolish ICE, we must support immigrants, we must abolish the police, we must reconnect reproductive writes with body autonomy, we must demolish white supremacy, we must obliterate fascism, we must protect the rights of trans people, we must curb climate change,
we must provide healthy living and houses and livable wages to all residents.

This is clear. I'd argue it's never been clearer and I want to stress that there are no reasons to budge on any of these things. We all lose if we budge.
So if the Biden/Harris ticket wins on Tuesday, if your good guys, your boring candidate, your at-least-it's-not-Trump president is elected, great. One tiny step was taken. The finish line is a long way off.
Maybe 2020 taught you a little bit on how to do the work. How uncomfortable it feels doing the right thing, or standing up for others, or recognizing your privilege. Apply that. And keep going. November third is not the finish line by any means.
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