Today, I'm thinking of a friend who died a few years back from PCP pneumonia and undiagnosed HIV. He was gay and in his 30s. I encouraged him to get tested, but he brushes it off. I think he was scared
I'm also thinking about a patient I had once, in his 70s, who was dying of sepsis. His younger partner wanted to be at the bedside and I asked how they were related and his partner lied and said he was the patient's nephew because he was afraid he wouldn't be allowed to stay
I'm also thinking of the Christian college I went to, and the young man who got expelled because he was gay
Also thinking about a dear family friend who I called Uncle who was a closeted gay man, lived a celibate life as a missionary b/c he thought homosexuality was a sin. And how my parents knew this about him and still loved him but campaigned against equal housing for homosexuals
I don't know the point of this but to say bigotry hurts people directly. Equality matters. Marriage rights matter. Trans bathroom rights matter.
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