Look, if you don't like abortions and want them to stop, that's fine. BUT here me out... You can't be anti abortion but be against affordable birth control/healthcare & proper sex education. You also can't have dumb ass laws where women have to be over 25, have kids, and need
their spouses approval to have tubal ligation surgery or a hysterectomy. You can't be anti abortion for specific reasons and then be pro abortion for when your mistress gets pregnant or for when your daughter, mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, cousin or friend need one due to
an ectopic pregnancy. You can't be anti abortion but only want to educate people on abstinence/force them to follow your own personal beliefs. You can't be anti abortion but want to defund organizations like plan parenthood, social/family services, & healthcare and then cut taxes
to schools, food programs, shelters, mental health and any other programs out there that are designed to protect & serve women, children & families in general. You can't be pro life but want to force a baby to be born just to live for seconds, minutes or days in pain to then die
a horrible death due to severe complications, illnesses or diseases. You can't be pro life but want a woman to risk both her death and possibly the death of her child as well due to complications during pregnancy. I could go on...
We all want the abortion rate to be lower. That's why we want all these other things to prevent it. There should be more preventative measures made to be accessible and affordable to all people, but y'all are against those too and want to force your personal choices & beliefs
down everyone else's throats. It will always be the women's choice to endure the pains of pregnancy/birth or to abort a clump of cells that was not wanted. You can't say you believe in this "pro-life" stance when you literally are against it in every other way besides birth.
You can't be pro life but put the rights of cells above the rights of the human who is already living... the one that has a life. In some cases this human has other children that depend on them and need them alive. The life that's already living will ALWAYS matter more.
so please cut the bs and just admit that you're not pro life already. You are pro birth. You believe in quantity over quality... and that my friends, is fucking disgusting.
ALSO, I believe that if a woman wants a baby and the man doesn't, he should be allowed to emancipate himself. BUT that means forever. He is NEVER allowed to contact the mother or that child to form a relationship. No one should be forced to be a parent if they don't want to.
But just how abortion is not reversible, emancipation shouldn't be either and if abortion has a time limit on it (you can't abort past a certain time) you can't emancipate after a certain time either. It's only fair.
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