Welcome to my album deconstruction of Logics The Incredible True Story!
I will be going track by track and getting into the overall concept and backstory of the album as-well as giving some more information on the tracks themselves
Enjoy ❤️ 💙 #RattPack
BACKSTORY: In 2023, pollution has decimated the animal population of Earth, leading to a food shortage and an eventual famine. The United States and Japan form a super nation and create a genetically engineered meat to combat this famine. Other nations combine to create super
Nations. The US-Jap sign a deal with Russia to assasinate the Chinese president, who increased trade route prices, in exchange for Alaska. After the successful assassination of the Chines President, The US-JAP Leaders meet with The Russian King to sign a treaty. But when he...
Arrives, he dies of a heart attack. The Heir to the Russian throne assumes the US-JAP nation is behind his death and initiates a Nuclear Launch. The radiation destroys the worlds oceans, leading to a lack of purifable water. A source of purified water is found but it has...
a reaction with the genetically engineered meat, which ends up killing billions. The last 5 million humans decided to leave earth and ascend to the Babel Space Station. In need of a new planet for life, the station sends out many ships to find a new home. Eventually, they find
a new candidate, Paradise, the most suitable planet in years. So in 2065, the Babel station sends Pilot Quentin Thomas and Infantryman William Kai on the Aquarius III along with the AI Thalia to investigate Paradise.
This is where our story begins.
1. Contact
The album begins with a booming instrumental that sets the tone of this album. Test flight chatter and some beautiful vocals from both a choir and logic himself to help us get the feeling we are lifting off, just like Thomas and Kai
Kai greets Thomas on the ship and gets to talking about what music they would like to listen to on their journey. Thomas says he’s been listening to some oldies like Logic. This allows Logic himself and his music to exist in this same universe, just far in the past (50 years)
Thomas says he listened to Under Pressure on the ride over, logics first studio album which also included Thalia as a voice for random facts about the album. This means Thalia was actually speaking to Thomas during Under Pressure as-well as the listener, which is a nice touch.
2. Fade Away
Fade Away is a great track to showcase Logics will to make a statement in the music industry which js a recurring theme on the album Towards the end of the track, the instrumental fades out into Thomas and Kai messing with Thalias new features, including the ability
to recreate anyones voice from any period in recorded history. And of all the people he could have chosen, Kai choses Big Sean. Sean was one of Logics inspirations when creating Under Pressure and actually got to collab with him on a Deluxe Track for Under Pressure called Alright
3. Upgrade
Upgrade is a track all about leveling up. The beat is super relaxed and gives the vibe that Logic is looking back on how much hes grown both as a man and as an artist. Hes kicking it now, even through “flying through the bermuda first” relating to his past struggles
4. White People
In our first scene, we see Kai and Thomas sharing stories and they eventually detect another ship, which they find to be completely devoid of life. Thomas is ordered to check out the ship but Kai heavily disagrees. Eventually after hearing an old distress...
call from the pilot, they are told to ignore it and continue to Paradise, much to Kais relief.
5. Like Woah
Like Woah is one of my absolute favorites from this project. Logics flow on this sort of tropical but futuristic sounding beat is incredible and it really feels like something you would hear when u arrive in a place called “Paradise”
6. Young Jesus
On Young Jesus, We see Logic “Take it back to the 90s”. We get a hard hitting boom bap beat that Logic and childhood friend Big Lenbo breakdown and eventually go back to back on. A great track to show Logics strength as a lyricist and Lenbo kills his feat.
7. Innermission
A nice change of pace, Logic takes us on a slow drive through his life and how he feels now looking back on his success and what his daily life is now. It gives the listener the vibe that they are cruising through space with logic, letting him speak to them.
8. I Am The Greatest
Here we see Logic at his most Braggadocios. Backed by vocals from Muhammed Ali, He is so set in stone that everyone thats talked shit about him doesnt deserve his time. Hes gonna do him and what hes the best at on his own terms and hes 110% sure of it.
9. The Cube
In our second scene, we see Kai using a Rubix Cube, which at this point in Earth’s history, is almost like an artifact. Thomas questions what it is and Kai explains that “The Bitches Love the Rubix Cube” which is ironic because it has always been seen as a nerdy thing
in our world. Logic is poking fun at his nerdy self since he is a huge fan of rubix cubes and has shown on many occasions his mastery of the cube.
10. Lord Willin
Lord Willin is all about being a positive influence on the world. While Logic has tried his best to be that using his wealth and fame to spread goodness and positvity, not everything is necessarily under his control and is up to the man upstairs.
11. City of Stars
COS sees Logics gripes with the music industry come out for the first time since his debut album. He relates his relationship with the music industry in the same way he would relate it to an ex he hates. Hes so ahead of the industry now that hes in his own COS.
In this example, The COS can be seen as a City in Paradise where there’s probably going to be these futuristic things like flying cars. However, the COS can also be seen as Logics views on music. Expansive, futuristic, Limitless in possibilities.
12. Stainless
Stainless sees Logic leaving a suggestion to those wanting to make it. Coming from a messed up home, he had to work extremely hard to get here and he suggests anyone else who wants what hes got to let go of their “Silver Spoon” and learn how it feels to struggle.
13. Babel
In our 3rd scene, Thomas and Kai talk more in-depth about how crazy it is to feel isolated to a space station. They never experienced what earth was but have only heard stories of things like oceans and fields. Thomas is worried that they as human beings...
will eventually ruin Paradise just like they ruined Earth. We as human beings naturally destroy our environment with our advances in technology and Thomas has a legitimate reason to worry about the future of the human race even more. There is hope but for how long?
14. Paradise
this two part track we get a slower southern inspired lyrical ballad to start which is all about logics childhood and upbringing. His experiences growing up in poverty and getting into dangerous situations left scars on him. On the Second half of this track, we see
Logic getting more introspective about himself. His thirst for greatness has put him in a better place then he ever could have imagined, but hes still a man. he has problems and this journey was not easy. Hes still hungry and he knows everyone else who was once in his position
15. Never Been
In a similar light to the end of Paradise, Never Been hits more on Logics journey and reaching out to those who are also on that journey. Its almost like an anthem to those who are feeling beat down, struggling on the journey and are looking for the motivation
to keep going. Paradise and Never Been are both fantastic inspirational tracks that and fit perfectly back to back
16. Run It
Next to I Am The Greatest, Run It has Logic at his most confident. In his eyes, rap as been looking for a new king to hand the crown too and Logic feels hes the heir to the throne. Hes finally found his spot in the world and he doesnt plan on stopping any time soon
17. Lucidity
In our final scene before the conclusion to our journey, Thomas and Kai begin to talk about what kind of things they wanted to do when they grew up. Thomas wanted to become a musician. This surprises Kai, who realizes new music hasn’t been created since earth.
Thomas believes they are being kept as sort of slaves on the Babel station. No new music, the same films over and over again. But he believes Paradises will bring new opportunities for everyone. They will be free to do whatever they want and achieve their dreams. They can be more
18. TITS
On the title track and outro to the album, we get Logic giving one last message to us. Hes gonna do him and he does it all for us, his fans. He uses Alan Watts as a messenger to help portray his views on what he does for a living. He makes music, which he loves and
he is going to do what he pleases with life, mastering his craft and because thats what he loves and thats where his happiness comes from. Hes not stuck in a 9-5 job back in Maryland. He’s made it doing what he loves and he wouldn’t have it any other way
On the Outro of this track we see Thomas and Kai descending onto Paradise at last, bantering over Logics favorite Tarantino films and wondering if there will be some sort of monster that will eventually catch them. Once they land, they prepare to enter their new home.
As the shuttle door opens and our protagonists prepare to take on Paradise, they begin to hear the ambience of the planet. Birds chirping, wind blowing through trees and more. As they wonder what they are hearing, Thalia answers with one simple word
The overall concept of this album is the appreciation of life and the journey of life itself. Just as Logic has been on his journey to his current position, Kai and Thomas were also on their journey to find a life in Paradise. And the album isnt about what they find on Paradise..
its about the journey to Paradise. We see Thomas and Kai banter, talk about music past stories aspirations, worries for the future and more. They had some rough moments on the way there but eventually they reached their literal and metaphorical Paradise
just like Logic, now that they have their new start, Thomas And Kai may have the opportunity to pursue their aspirations and the lives they want to live away from the restrictions of Babel.
Wow this was a long one if u made it this far thank u so much for reading. I put a lot of time researching this but i also left some of it up to some personal interpretation aswell but overall im pretty satisfied with this lol.
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