History is an echo. You can hear it if you listen. So this post is for my kids. Every day, I write about history for a living – and it’s important to me that when they look back on these days, they know where I stood and can hear that echo.
In writing about politics, I’ve realized that whenever one side brings up a political issue, the other side will try to counter. One side says “Russian bounties,” the other side says “Benghazi.” It goes on and on, each side thinking they’re right.
Truthfully, I don’t believe modern politics is the best way to change the world. But I do believe in people.
And I believe in character. It is always on the ballot. To that end, I believe that throughout history, our most amazing leaders are the ones who bring out the best in us, not the worst in us. And I know this to my core: I will never vote for a bully. Ever.
When I was 19 years old, I was an intern for the Senate Judiciary Committee, making photocopies on Capitol Hill. I was randomly assigned to a senator named Joe Biden. I didn’t know him well, but I did know this: when it came to talking to people, he treated everyone with
kindness, regardless of stature or job title. As my friend and I always say, “If you’re nice to me, but a jerk to the waiter, you’re a jerk.” I’ve also met our current President multiple times. I know his family even better. If he’s your guy, enjoy him.
He’s all yours. But there’s a reason Mister Rogers’s wife dislikes him so much. I was talking with a reader on social media a few months back. He’s a Republican who told me he thinks our current President is brutish, arrogant, and not the most qualified, but that he lost his
job years ago, and didn’t want to lose the one he just got with a boilermakers union. I feel for that man. I understand why he’s thinking about voting for the current president again. The world is scaring him right now. It’s scaring me too. It’s a terrifying place.
But I also believe this: we cannot let fear drive us. Make no mistake, fear has been driving us. Division has been driving us. Even in a health crisis, our current president is constantly looking for a fight. And when you look for a fight, you find one.
We will never agree on all issues as Americans. But I hope we can agree that decency lifts the entire country. We need that decency back again. The lack of it is tearing our country apart. I launched our kids books to teach my own children about kindness, compassion, and
character. Remember when those were American values? They need to come to the forefront again. At this point, I’m tired of the fighting. I’m tired of the venom. I’m tired of the lack of empathy for so many who have died. I’m tired of the attacks on the free press our Founders
fought so hard to protect, and the attacks on people who think different, act different, or look different. I don’t care whether it’s the Muslim community, the LGBTQ community, the Black community, the science community, the immigrant community, or any other community.
Regardless of what the extreme right AND extreme left say, don’t let fear mongering turn us against each other. The only people who benefit when we fight are those in power.
At this point, if you disagree with me, that’s your right. I still love you for the open ear. But if you’re thinking that I should keep my opinions to myself, my job is writing about history – even when it’s rendered in real time.
Sending love to all my Republican friends and Democrat friends. It’s time to bring out the best in us. America needs it more than ever. Vote this Tuesday. Follow your heart rather than your fear. It will always lead you well.
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