Hey guys, please ignore this type of garbage. The truth is that elections are never decided on election night. In Utah (and most states) it takes 2 weeks to finalize counting and certify results. It really doesn’t matter who is ahead on election night, it only matters when...1/ https://twitter.com/rickklein/status/1322915720615890944
...every eligible vote is counted and each county canvasses and certifies the vote totals. Yes it’s true that when a race isn’t close the media may “call” the race, and candidates may concede or declare custody, but such actions are technically meaningless. 2/
While it’s true that vote-by-mail may make it more difficult to call a close race on election night as many legally postmarked ballots arrive late (like the Utah GOP primary this year, where it took 6 days for the AP to call our race), this was also common before vote-by-mail. 3/
In my 2008 race for Sanpete County commission, because of provisional and absentee ballots, we didn’t know the final outcome until it was announced at the canvas meeting two weeks after the election. That didn’t mean someone was trying to steal it—it’s just how elections work. 4/
The good news is that now, thanks to changes by our legislature, we get updates as new ballots are processed almost every day after the election until every ballot is counted. 5/
Finally, remember there is no such thing as a national election. Every election is a county election ran by a county clerk. We have 29 of them in Utah working their guts out right now. They are great people and true pros. So be kind and patient. And ignore the conspiracies. /end
*victory (not sure where custody came from—but thanks Twitter for that edit button).
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