Analyzing the gemstones they are wearing on this picture, a thread.
First of all no this isn't just a thread on something dumb. I'm a huge believer in stuff like modern witchcraft, astrology, esotericism, ...

And precious stone/gemstones are so important and hold deep meanings and powers. I don't know the english words for everything so
i'll try to explain the best I can.
I wanna note how pertinent the choice of color is. When thinking of gemstones, someone who have normal knowledge of it will think of three gemstones. The ruby, the Sapphire and the Emerald. These stones have always been admired and it's funny to compare them to the admiration
the Moriarty brothers get.

In the esotericism world they can be called the big three. Each stone has a different color and the reason why that is important is because of color symbolism. Each color gets a spiritual principe associated which then links a symbol in our mind.
In this case it's linked to actual science because they are the 3 main colors, I'm referring to RGB additive light. When the 3 colors merge together it turns white. But not only that. It also have a spiritual meaning. Red is the Spirit. Blue is the Soul. Green is the Body.
When merged, the white is Enlightenment. This alone is so symbolic for the Moriartys. William is the spirit, he's the brain behind it all. Albert is the soul, doing quite the same job as the Spirit but in a different way, he helps where the Spirit can't reach. Albert helps by his
position and family name. Louis is the body, the one that will come and help do the dirty work if needed. He's the Spirit's second half.

It's also ironic to note that. William wants to die. Albert understand and lets him. Louis refuses to let him die. The body can't live without
the spirit. The spirit can't live without the body. Yet the Soul can live without the spirit or without the body, it's just better to have these but it's not needed. Theres a saying that says the soul never dies. And out of the 3, Albert is probably the safest one from death.
But when they are all three together? They work best. Thats when they become perfect. They become the white enlightenment, they become able to make the perfect crimes.
In western occultism and alchemy, red was associated to sulfur, blue was associated to mercury and green was associated to salt. Sometimes people focused more on Sulfur and Mercury (which makes sense here too because Albert and William are the ones thinking the things. Louis is
more of a follower he doesn't often take part of the thinking of the plan process). Which is also what i will do for now.

Sulfur is associated with the sun, the fire. It have the ability to creates change. Which fits absolutely to William. Mercury is more passive but works along
with Sulfur. Sulfur can make change but it needs something to actually change shape in order to change anything. Mercury is associated with water because it can change form into any kind of mold and container.
If you don't see it already this is basically what happened with William and Albert meeting. William had the power and the will to change things but he missed a way to start. Albert gave him the name of his family and the opportunity to create this change of the world.
Now let me come back to our little Louis. Salt starts of impure at first (refer here to Louis being sick) and is purified as it dissolve, then reformed as pure salt. Basically Louis got better and changed as they went through the abuse but also his medical care at the Moriartys.
That's the result of the Mercury and the Sulfur meeting.

Ok back to the idea of Body Soul and Spirit. Spirit/Sulfur is the one that create the change, the one that makes it possible. Spirit is also the one who symbolize a medium of transference, and connection. Connection
between the Body and the Soul, the Soul and the World, every connection is thanked to the Spirit.

Body/Salt is the one that changes, the physical self. Soul/Mercury represents the immortal and personal essence. In Christianity not only does the soul never dies but it's also the
one being judged by God after death. And what is happening currently in the last raws? Right. Albert is being judged by the queen and everyone, for the sins of his brother (that technically are also his but since everyone think its only Will...).
You may wonder if you followed along with the color symbolism, what is white, then? White is the creation that comes out of all this. White is in alchemy, the philosopher's stone. In Moriarty, White is the world they want to create. The final product of perfection.
And of course all of this goes along way with the Mystical Theology. The Holy Trinity, which also brings me back to this awesome thread Kaedyn made, please go read it first.
The Trinity is the fact that God is one God, but with three consubstantial persons as “one God in three Divine Persons”:  The Father, The Son Jesus Christ & The Holy Spirit.
They all are distinct yet come together as one and same god notion. Just like Sulfur, Mercury and Salt. Just like Red, Blue and Green. To form God, to form the Philisopher's Stone, to form White. The Moriartys come together as one Crime Lord, to form their perfect world.
We could go way deeper into this by showing the link between color theory and the emerald tablet, tarot, sacred geometry, or the seven hermetic principles, but I feel like i'd lose half of you and myself and like you got the idea already KDJSKD
Now that this is done I want to go back to the gemstones themselves and their meanings. I'll start with the ruby.
Rubies were once one of the most vallued of all of the precious gemstones. It's associated with Fire. Fire is associated with the driving force, the energy, the passion behind creation and the obsession behind destruction. Fire is considered the necessary destructive force in
order to brings new things to life. I believe you can see how that fits William.

Rubies are associated with the roots of the chakra and the planets Sun and Mars. Mars was the Roman god of war and bloodshed. Astrologically Mars is associated with confidence and self assertion,
aggression, sexuality, energy, strength, ambition, and impulsiveness. Once again, William is the one that makes the bloodshed.

I'm not exactly sure because we can't see where they wear it on the picture. However the placement of the gemstone also has meaning. A Ruby worn over
the heart is supposed to attract love. As a general talisman it's said to protect from poison, to increase leadership, influence on people, and courage.

In spiritual meaning, the ruby is known as a protective stone that can bring happiness and passion into the life. It's also
believed to protect the wearer from negative entities that leach positive energy. And this fit William so well. If you read my previous thread I would even rather say, this fits Liam. Because the Crime Lord is the negative entity that leach off of his energy. And William has
lost his passion for life, lost happiness. Owning a ruby means so much.

On a spiritual medicine point of view, the ruby is said to promote self-care in the wearer and inspire confidence to tackle all aspects of life. It's supposed to decrease anxiety and self-doubt. It allows
the wearer to see their strength and potential from the perspective of their own heart. Which is so ironic because William has lost the perspective of his own heart long ago.
Now moving onto the Sapphire. Sapphire are the throat of the chakra and associated with the planet Saturn. Saturn is associated with the principles of limitation, restrictions, boundaries, practicality and reality. It's linked to ambition, career, authority and hierarchy. It
concerns a person’s sense of duty, discipline and responsibility, and their physical and emotional endurance during hardships. Saturn is also considered to represent the part of a person concerned with long-term planning. Not hard to see why this fits Albert considering he's the
one taking care of the Social duty and the hierachy stuff in the trio.

Sapphires are associated to the element of Water. Water is used extensively in Magic as both a symbolic and a literal entity as well as a tool for purification and to contain and transfer energy.
Blue Sapphires are symbolism of communication and general healing. In crystal healing, you can wear sapphire to help with depression, anger issues and to help to calm chaotic thoughts. It also helps with general success in life by keeping away false friends and enemies and
attracting friendly people and influences, protecting against slander, encouraging prudence and sound judgement and helping to develop natural talents.

The sapphire
is a talisman of wisdom. It helps with memory, intuition, inspiration and stimuates a thirst for knowledge. Which is exactly what Albert shows everyday, that's who he is. His character is based on his natural talents for influencing people and turning ennemies into allies.
Let's finally move on to the Emerald. The Emerald is associated with the Heart in the chakra and the planet Mercury. It's also associated with water.
The planet mercury is one that moves really close to the Sun and is considered the messenger. Communication, intellect and awareness are all within Mercury’s domain, as are logic and reasoning, our manner of thinking, and how we create and express our thought processes. Mercury
is about a quick wit, quick thinking, possibilities, opinions, reasoning and the ability to rationalize things. Which fits Louis well if you think about it. Louis in the trio is kind of a medium ground between William and Albert. He can do pretty much anything. Yet he is also the
most sentimental of them three and sometimes have different opinions.

The Emerald itself is known as a symbol of truth and love. While the ruby is known to be the stone of passionate love, the emerald is known to be the stone of faithful, deep and mature love. The emerald is
also known as a stone of intuition, associated with sight and the revelation of future events and truths. Emerald can also represent a faithful relationship and strong natural connection with a partner. What is THE thing that represents Louis' character? You right. His love and
faith for his brother.

In crystal healing emerald is believed to be a healing gemstone for the body and mind. Many ancient healers believed that wearing or being near an emerald would promote wellness of the heart. (hm hm. Louis trying to ease William's guilt by sharing the
dirty work).

Emeralds are also believed to have a soothing energy that generates freshness and vitality in the spirit. It's a stone that embodies patience and compassion. When kept in the workplace, the emerald is said to have an energy that promotes creativity and harmony among
team members. It is thought to bring focus and activate creativity.

Which again resonate well with Louis since to me, he is the one out of the three brother who acts like the glue. He brings everyone together by being the most emotional one but still being important and useful.
Now now now. As we can see their gemstones are in oval/round/egg shape. And yes, the shape means something. In Crystal Healing, the shape determine the way the energy is perceived, and received. Since we see them from the side it's hard to determine their exact shape.
Now for the colors of the stones in general, each color has a different meaning too.
Blue gemstones develop trust, patience, forgiveness and allow for spiritual cleansing. This is the color for obedience, faith, order, sincerity, and self-awareness. Which fits Albert.
Red gemstones encourage action. This color boosts energy, conviction, determination, courage, exploration, and self-confidence. Red supports fearlessness and glory. Once again, fits William.
Green gemstones bring new beginnings. This color is associated with renewal, nurturing, and making progress. Green attracts luck, opportunity, and abundance. It’s known to give the immune system a boost. This make me think of how Louis got a chance at a new beginning by having
his illness taken care of. And how much he wants a renewal for William. Yes Louis agree with William's perception of needing a new world. But he only really follows him on acting up to create this new world because he loves William. It's the reason why when faced with chosing
between betrayal or william's death, he betray him. He doesn't care about their goal. He cares about his brother and believes in a renewal for him.
So Yep. I think this is it but I hope this was interesting to read and made sense. I'm just mesmerized because of how well it fits them.
Also of course I have no proof their gemstones are Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. There are many different stones with these colors. But it fits so much I can't imagine any other.
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