Time for a thread!

$SXP utilities

1- Used as Tx fee on #Binance
2- Used as collateral to get #Swipe Card
3- Used as collateral on @venusprotocol to farm XVS

#Binance card burns $SXP

last few days daily burn of 16K $SXP & the card is not even launched in US & UK (1/5)
Only from EU that too virtual (Physical cards will have 10x limit). This number can easily 10x from here with just US launch

#Swipe Cards Lock SXP

1.5K Slate cards and 10K Steel cards would lock up >90% of circulating supply. (2/5)
$SXP Staking rewards

With 2x rewards starting soon, almost 50% of the circulating supply is already staked (sway from exchanges)

When you combine

#Binance Burn + #Swipe Card locks + Staking Locks

You have tokenomic structure which with slightest of demand can (3/5)
catapult $SXP to not just previous ATH but much farther than that.


Look out for Burns, Look out for Swipe card lockups (Data will be on-chain soon) & watch staking numbers. (4/5)
With above three metrics
you can make a powerful argument of buying $SXP not based on PA but fundamentals & growth which can be/should be verifiable on chain.

People who see through the price action and noise will reap the rewards in long run. (5/5)
You can follow @DoctorDeFi.
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