People’s idea that “Trump could win”, is based solely on the ‘asshole quotient’.

It’s not based on polls, or a well-run campaign or being likeable or authentic. Trump’s ‘win’ is an idea steeped in the cynical gut-belief, that unrepentant assholes outnumber the rest of us.
If that we’re true, this country would deserve to burn. But I don’t believe that. In my experience, assholes are just usually the loudest in the crowd. When most stay quiet, assholes make noise (pun intended). The asshole quotient is a feeling, from being around them a lot.
Most people feel like they’re around assholes all the time, because we all are.... assholes, from time to time. And while that’s true, it takes a special kind of asshole to get out and vote for a moron to be POTUS. Trump connects with the asshole part of his voters, mostly men.
That’s why he resonates with toxically masculine men of all ethnic groups. He connects with their inner asshole. But to vote like an ass, takes effort in 2020. Only the dedicated deep MAGA red assholes and their loyal suckers will make the effort to crown Trump King Asshole again
Luckily most of us are only part-time assholes. We all have our moments when the asshole part comes out sometimes. Other people, live like that 24/7. That’s the main aspect or major portion of their personality. It’s reflected in their jokes, their rhetoric about sports/politics
And that’s how they will vote. They will make the extra effort to vote for Trump. Them and the suckers who believe their rhetoric are who will vote for Trump. Polls say, it’s not a majority of voters in enough states to be POTUS. BTW #CheatingIsNotWinning #LosersCheat
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