As y'all know I've been working nonstop for the past week to crank out extra episodes of Movement Memos that might help folks ready themselves for what's coming. It started with folks wanting a follow up to this episode, which we didn't have time for.
Here I talked with @shane_burley1 about direct action, fascism and what we should expect in the streets this week. This episode also includes a care package full of pre-taped trainings/workshops and resources in the show notes to help you prepare.
On Election Day, you'll be hearing from me and @tanuja_devi about how we can process the stress, anxiety and suspense of this week.
All of this has been created one week, & if that seems like a ridiculous amount of work, you should know this wasn't Truthout's idea. I wanted to respond to y'alls questions & to help you prepare. People have been telling me these episodes are helpful, so it has def been worth it
Today, I will finish cutting together the Election Day episode. I am also juggling a lot organizing tasks for this week. Including planning for this remote rally Nov. 2 @ 6pm CT. You are welcome to join us as we rally around our commitment to #RemoveTrump.
We're asking folks to take selfies of themselves holding this sign (or a handmade version). One of our speakers cannot be present for COVID-related reasons. We will play a slideshow of the selfies in solidarity while audio of his remarks are played. Image: 
Photos of your pets with the #RemoveTrump sign are also encouraged. You can post photos to the event page (or send them to me via DM):
If you couldn't make it to any of the direct action trainings that have been held in the run-up to the election, you can check out this prerecorded training w activist Lisa Fithian. The training was filmed earlier this summer and hosted by NorCal Resist.
I want to thank everyone who's reached out to tell me that they have found this week's episodes helpful, or that they have used them for various teaching or organizing purposes. That heartens me more than I can say. We will get through this together, fam.
You can follow @MsKellyMHayes.
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