#COVID19 Mythbuster thread. Holy shit, get a cup of tea. Let's break these apart. I will take each common myth and address the evidence and provide an explanation. Feel free to tag me in more, and I will try to get to them. 1/x
1) COVID 19 was released by the Communist Party of China as a weapon.

One common idea is that the virus was purposefully created as a weapon against the west, or that it was accidentally leaked. There are a number of reasons this assertion is likely to be false.
a) its a bit crap as a weapon. If you wanted to kill a bunch of people, you would manipulate something like corona as it has a high infectivity, but simply put it does not have a high enough fatality rate to render a young fit military population useless.
b) from an economic standpoint, it would be cheaper to just attack financial structures to destabilise a country rather than relying on a virus that could also destroy your own. Cheaper still would be to do nothing whilst the west destroys itself. Wuhan suffered greatly.
Furthermore, the 'spike protein' often hailed as an indication of human engineering, can occur through natural mechanisms. Remember, the most likely explanation is usually the simplest. When a virus mutations millions of times over hours, this happens. https://www.livescience.com/coronavirus-spike-protein-structure.html

Mortality and morbidity of an infection is measured in a number of ways, but using age adjusted standardised mortality rate (i.e how it compares in outcomes of death compared to control) and is calculated by n(deaths)/n incidence.
Using ONS data we are clearly able to see that the rate is much higher in COVID 19 than for flu. Per this data, ASMR in those >85 yrs

Pneumona/influenza: 824.4/100,000
Covid 19: 2068.3 /100,000 people

This means the relative risk is 2.5 in this group

In the same data, it is quoted when making further adjustments for all-cause mortality:

Therefore, there were 1.3 times as many deaths where influenza or pneumonia was a contributory factor than COVID-19, but COVID-19 was the underlying cause in 3.4 times as many deaths.
We can also use observational data (i.e indirect evidence) to show that the r number decreased when social distancing measures were adopted. This shows the net effect of multiple measures, including facemasks. As always, FM are part of a wider approach

A) fuck off.

b) 5G waves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum, as have a wavelength of 1-10mm and creates energy through radiation. If this could cause new viruses, we would be seeing a lot more new ones.

By looking as ASMR, we know this not to be the case. Mortality is increased by a number of risk factors including obesity, heart disease/ cancer and other problems. The presence of these increases risk in proportion to this. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/investigations-discovery/hospitalization-death-by-age.html

Although COVID 19 and most cold viruses share a similar genetic ancestry, and the former can produce some different symptoms, most of these are not different enough for the layperson to spot. The common symptoms..
such as cough/fever are indicative of so many different infections that as a screening tool is only serves to point out potential risk and further review, not a diagnosis. This is why we do PCR tests to find out. Even doctors missed it early on.
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