A delusional uneducated IT cell member from the BJP is spreading lies against Islam! All refuted in this thread, In Shaa Allah.

Bismillah https://twitter.com/Aabhas24/status/1322658530726273025
The IT cell member says beheading comes as a prescription.

The troll mentioned 8:12 as evidence which is
1. about the battle of Badr, the 1st battle after 13 years of persecution
2. a command to strike the necks was to the Angels, not Muslims 😂
The troll also mentioned 47:4 as evidence that Muslims must behead non-Muslims. The verse commands Muslims how to fight in the battlefield during war 😂 What an illiterate IT cell member!
The BJP IT cell dumbo figured out how silly his arguments are, so he wanted to preemptively address obvious responses to this stupidity.

There're peace agreements & treaties between Muslim countries & all other countries, including France.
The same chapter he's been citing, Surah #8 Anfal, prescribes how the HEAD OF STATE should declare war after betrayal from a party where peace treaties have been established with.
Muslims in living abroad have agreed to be peaceful as long as they remain there as per their viasas & passports. Also, Islam forbids Muslims to take the law into own hands.

Still nothing, mr. IT cell member?
Dumb0 cites Ibn Ishaq on the Banu Quraiza incident without stating if the report is authentic or not.

1. A peace treaty was established with Banu Quraiza as soon as the Prophet ﷺ arrived at Madinah.
2. They broke the treaty during the battle of Ahzab (where all tribes of Arabia grouped together to attack Madinah) by attacking Muslims & allying with the enemy during their siege. Which is by all measures treason.

3. They choose their own judge & penalty after refusing the Prophet ﷺ to judge them. That's unheard of neither before or after this incident.

4. The Prophet ﷺ even set free those who refused to ally with the enemy & break the treaty the treaty.

Dumb0 is again citing a war example (Crusades) to say we're commanded to behead everyone.

Can't believe this has to be said again & again
1. Crusaders weren't delivering flowers to Jerusalem 💐
2. Crusades split the blood of Muslims, Jews & Christians
The BJP cell member thinks Muslims take their religion from the actions of other Muslims & can hold Islam & all Muslims responsible for an action done by 1.

He thinks screenshots suffice & hasn't mentioned the source, so I did his HW for him...
Anyway, I refuted their beloved "convert or die" fable using mostly Western historians here 👇

The BJP dumb0, again, cites an "alleged" incident during the 1st Chechen war. What do his 2 brain cells think happens during war?

Instead of killing him as an enemy (which what everyone else does), they offered him a chance & he refused.
In case the IT cell troll thinks Russia was delivering roses to the Chechens, even the UN called Russia out on their war crimes in Chechnya 👇
Then he brings ISIS & Al Qayeda as examples of true Islam. Nothing new to see here.

Al Qayeda refuted ISIS 🤣 & every major Islamic organization refuted both from Islamic scripture.

Yet, he thinks 10,000 rebels whose 80% of their victims have been Muslims represent 2 Billion Muslims!

Even France's Microbe recently said these groups 'want to distort Islam" 😁

Is the BJP party willing to remain standing with France after this? 😉
Instead of lying about Islam to blame Muslims for all you problems, stop r@ping & stop your state-sponsored persecution of the Muslim minority in India!

And stop your public 💩
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