Finally sat down to watch #SecretsOfTheSaqqaraTomb and it’s really interesting! Brilliant to see so many well preserved statues in one tomb too - & for #statuesunday why not have a look at some more examples from private tombs!
This documentary focuses on the Old Kingdom tomb of an official named Wahty at the Saqqara complex discovered in 2018, with beautiful depictions in statuary and reliefs of him and his family members #statuesunday
Statues functioned as an extension of the self & were often established within the ‘public’ space of the tomb where they could interact with the living. But statues were also found in sealed areas of tombs, potentially as ‘backups’ safe from damage or reuse! #statuesunday
A roughly contemporary example to the tomb of Wahty includes this limestone statue of Nenkheftka from @britishmuseum (EA 1239), found amongst a group of other statues in his tomb at Dishasha. He shares some physical similarities to Wahtye’s images! #statuesunday
The site of Saqqara is a fascinating place for funerary spaces as well as larger cult spaces like the Bubastieon, also mentioned within #SecretsOfTheSaqqaraTomb - there are many other beautiful tombs from the Old Kingdom too where statues were found intact... #statuesunday
This includes the tomb of Merti, an official with 11 large wooden statues set up within his tomb’s serdab (5 now in the Metropolitan Museum: 26.2.2 - 26.2.6), each with differing wigs and clothing, & three statues of his wife or mother also in various wigs #statuesunday
Other intact statues found within nearby funerary sites such as Giza include this limestone pair statue of Weri and his wife (Boston MFA 21.2596). Again, there are physical similarities in style & pose to the statues found in Wahtye’s tomb! #statuesunday
Many statues originally established within tombs are now dispersed across the world in museum collections - so it was great to see examples still in situ! #SecretsOfTheSaqqaraTomb also reminded me that 1 year ago I was exploring Saqqara & visiting the Step Pyramid & nearby tombs!
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