Will I make it to Garissa 7 p.m. today? Let's hit the road and see.
Mwingi babyyy
ETA from Mwingi according to Google Maps, let's put it to the test.
Nguni yo
Hola junction
Madogo – bei Garissa Town
Fikad you guy – bei Garissa Tana bridge
335km done. Tomorrow we top up fuel and hit the road again.
Along the road I took beautiful sunset pics
6.59 AM, topped up dithoro at Shell Harris's
Crossing over from GSA to Isiolo County from a different direction. 495km done – bei Modogashe
Bruh, it's tough out here. The roads need to be done all the way up. – bei Habaswein
Arrived about 30 minutes ago.
1st image is a tarmac road the county govt of Wajir is constructing towards the Somalia border.
I got stuck, towed out by some chaps on a 4WD Toyota Hiace, rained on and clothes dried while still on the road.
We had to drive through bush roads because the main corrugation road was too rough and slow.
Wajir CBD
Driving through the bundus.
Ma'Richie Spice zim'enice mbaya
Lake Yahud. Named after the Jewish contractor who did the constructed the Wajir airport, they mined materials here and left the pit which filled up with water to form the lake in the 1970s, it never dries up.
Split pano image 😎
There are fish fingerlings swimming near the shallow edges, maybe the big fish stay in the deep waters, I never saw anyone fishing here.
Laps through Runda ya Wajir
Snacking 😋 – bei Wajir Palace Hotel
Diesel is at 102.18 here.
Pro tip: Whenever you're not sure about the integrity of fuel in a certain town, fuel just enough to get you to the next credible fuel station.
Maybe the balance I had could get me to Garissa, but then I don't like the fuel light on on unfamiliar roads
We hit the road
Baaad road
Yooow. It rained overnight and the road is full of lakes. My colleague has to walk through the craters to test the depth before we storm in. Most are shallow and no stones or mud inside. Kumîra kumîra.
This ambulance Landcruiser guy wasn't leaving us behind, he helped me follow the tight trails even in the thickets, also acted as my pace keeper. We've kept together for over 100km of this road, nice fellow.
My colleague couldn't record good videos at the big pits 🤣. Downshift to gear 2, enter the big pits at moderate RPM, maintain the gear and pace to the end. The Landcruiser guy couldn't believe a non-local, on a RWD Hilux was munching them.
After Habaswein, the road is much faster in most places, we could manage 80kph on the corrugation.
Dirty asf.
891km since I left Thika.
I hope one day I will afford an 80 series Landcruiser or offroad kitted 200 series.
I have enjoyed entering the pits and maintaining 2.5k RPM, proper torque to see you through. The sideways action at muddy sections 👌🏾👌🏾
144km to Garissa
1,007km later, at Garissa town.
Chafu kama roho za wamama wa plot ya Twitter.
Look at my temperature gauge, it's slightly above normal. This is caused by the clogged radiator fins. This can fuck you up if not checked. – bei Garissa Town
The underbelly bracing did it's work, protecting the sump from knocks and flattening the sand on the trails. Tuoge sasa.
Shaah macan once again. Kuna raiya zimekaa hapa apparently zimechana tangu asubuhi, I wonder when they ever work. – bei Garissa Town
One is never enough – bei Garissa Town
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