Do biblical creationists believe in climate change? Of course they do. The event of Noah's Flood caused massive climate change beginning about 4,300 years ago. Within hundreds of years of the Flood, but because of changes caused by the Flood an ice age was generated which...
caused massive climate change. As the earth has been reeling from the catastrophic flood and catastrophic ice-age, there has been ongoing climate change--but such changes have happened rather quickly. But God has created the earth to be very resilient and so even with the...
effects of the fall which causes the whole creation to "groan" (Romans 8:22) & Flood, we can see God's promise in Genesis 8:22 is true, "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease." But if politicians reject...
God's Word and the account of the Fall & Flood, they will not understand climate changes and will make wrong decisions which will hurt people--which is exactly what is happening. Also politicians need to understand that God gave man dominion over the creation (to care for it &...
use it for man's good & God's glory), not for the creation to have dominion over man (which is what so many environmentalists believe). There is an increasing worship of the creation instead of worshipping the creator (Romans 1). When politicians adopt the pagan religion of...
evolution/millions of years, this will lead to devastating consequences for man as they make dreadful decisions that will greatly hurt mankind. Remember this as you vote this week in the USA.
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