Dear parents please educate ur daughters with dis measures right frm d early childhood to save her from #lovejihaad.

1️⃣ Give your Daughter religious education.

2️⃣ Instill the greatness of Hindu faith in them.

3️⃣ Educate them on our true history.
4️⃣ Bring out the contradictory aspects of other abhramic faith.

5️⃣ Sensitise Hindu girls about the true status of women in other faith.
6️⃣ Teach them about hollowness and fake lies being peddled by Bollywood movies. Ensure that your daughter doesn't buy into lofty and illogical ideas of romance borrowed from Bollywood movies.
7️⃣ Teach them to see and deal in the world on logical, rational basis rather than on the basis of emotions and ideals.

8️⃣ Associate them in satsang cz good company will only bring good values.
9️⃣ Lastly give your daughter freedom but always have an eye on her activities,mood and behaviours and the company she keeps.
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