Apparently charts can 2 be hard 2 grasp (seem clear 2 me, zoom in). Simply put Scotland has a significant deficit 3x the UKā€™s (which includes us). We spend on yearly essentials far more than we earn. Currently about Ā£2.5K per person. This deficit is unsustainable out of our U.K.
By unsustainable I donā€™t mean we couldnā€™t afford 2 leave our U.K. I specifically mean weā€™d not be able to keep ourselves in the manner we are accustomed 2. No free; prescriptions, school meals, methadone, uni places etc - without massive cuts we would have no policing, zoom in
Zoom right in to see, if we didnā€™t cut our cloth to match our income (even including a GEOGRAPHIC share of oil etc), what impact #Scexit would have on our daily lives. What would you give up to ensure we had @policescotland?
With no clear vision or plan to replace our Ā£15bn of U.K. pooling & sharing it strikes me as stupid to vote to leave our U.K. - whereā€™s the plan @NicolaSturgeon @KateForbesMSP? Why did you pull the promised SNP version of GERS? Please tell people why it was promised then dumped.
FYI šŸ‘‰šŸ¼ Deficit represents the difference between income & spending at 1 point in time, a year, while debt represents the total amount of money owed (combined deficits less surpluses) built up over the years. Zoom in 2c our Scottish debt total just since Jollyrood opened. Ā£200bn!
*ignore superfluous ā€œ2ā€
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