The dude has some good points, but by gods he is insufferably naggy...
"The Star Wars franchise would create a bolder, more relevant, universe, by making droid freedom a central theme."

Like... fuck, I don't even know how to tackle such a moronically entitled notion. "I made a link, and the franchise would be superior if it focused on my link."
We've got human slaves, as well as human soldiers and clone soldiers and they're all getting killed off... but sure, let's focus on the droids.
Droids gaining sentience over time is a plot device, one that allows the writers to have them be mindless automatons that can be killed carelessly - while also having more unique cases that are more developed and sentient.

It's for the story... it's not a social commentary.
So for the random rant... it just irks me when people read a text and then label it a failure for not adhering to their specific world views.

It's akin to complaining about Winnie the Pooh having a multi-racial cast but then not focusing on systemic racism in the 100 Acre Wood
Writers aren't your personal ideological propagandists...

If your cause is so important to you, go write it yourself.
PS: Droids fighting for liberation already exists - it's called the Terminator series....
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