It's super interesting how different cohorts of CH have similar and differing experiences based on when they signed up, if they got onboarded, and who else signed up when they signed up
earlier cohorts discussed "is it weird that problematic 'rationalists' are on the app?"

This cohort is discussing "is it weird that celebs on this app change the way we use it?"

All worthwhile convos to have, really shows the importance of good onboarding + tutorials imo
Also, have heard that there are blocklists going around, which is an interesting emergent feature. I get why you wouldn't want to enable users to wholesale subscribe to another user's blocked users list, but that seems to be what people want to happen/are doing
Anecdotally, most of the users that have the Mark of the Blocked on my profile are femme/ID as women. If anyone would like to anonymously share a blocklist with me, DMs open! Really curious about how users are sharing this info (is it crowdsourced? Comments/co-signs? GDocs?)
At this point the "Fab Five Fridays" room is either an invite farming experiment, a performance art piece more chaotic than the silly room, or someone who forgot to sign off of their iPad and left it off mute
How has there not been a Clubhouse hackathon? Have people looked into that (maybe adjacent to Building In Public @shwetak_) or does the medium not lend itself to that as much as Discord +Figma

Clubhouse: where your friends are

Shadow Slogan:

The real CH is where my friends are
In a 10+ hour room hosted by some Kanye simp demanding others explain why Kanye is a bad candidate, some guy said "I know some people don't take the census, and centuries ago we outnumbered slave owners. Therefore blacks in the US are undercounted by at least half. Wake up 🐑"
Sat in a room debriefing on how a room with a "[insert group] is overly problematic" title, and apparently it was a convo about the diaspora. They defended the clickbait title by saying "to change the title is respectability politics"
Outside looking in, it looks like hypocritical bigotry, and I'd like to think that wasn't the intent

you can't reasonably cloak bad wording that looks like veiled bigotry in colloquial apologetics, otherwise people think a double standard is at play
The problem with these Ephemeral Media apps is that theres no history of these rooms , their titles or their topics. So many histories of bad interactions devolve into hearsay and clustering based on trusted narratives. At least I can QT on twitter
Finding out that someone on CH blocked you so you missed out on a room, and don't want to confront them but just block them back 👁️👄👁️
Instead of categorizing feeds into 3 buckets (followers speak, follow-of-follow speak, everything else), CH just removed the ability to see rooms that dont have follow-of-follows in speaker box.

Forcing people to follow others taints the signal of the data
the anti dark pattern move for now is to find the super-followers (new people following thousands of accounts) and follow ones that don't seem to be related to the other people you follow
y'all, i just got made a mod for a "communism vs capitalism" room, why is it a feature to force moderatorship nonconsensually😩
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