I need to set people straight on TX. Many of you are paying far too much attention to the enemies words. Blue cities in TX happen due to fraud, cheating, illegal and dead voters and pay for play. Period. Real Texans are all RED. And we are a huge majority.
Texas is a huge state full of patriots. We own guns. We hunt and fish. We ride horses. You couldn’t move enough lunatic liberals from commiefornia to turn our state purple, much less blue. So please stop parroting MSM talking points. It’s driving me nuts.
This is similar to the Biden is winning and we will hope among all hope that our voting will be enough mentality. Do you see what is happening in this country? The silent majority is AWAKE. This will be a landslide and if POTUS refuses to worry...
I sure as hell refuse to worry or even listen to your worry. Short of dropping nukes all over America and starting the apocalypse, nothing can stop what is coming on Tuesday. NOTHING!!! It’s time to put on the armor of GOD and actually believe in your FAITH!
God wins and POTUS will win in the largest landslide victory in American political history. And we will take our country back from evil and make her great again!!
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