I’ve been trying to practice non-coercion inspired by @visakanv, which I understand as trying to erase “should” thoughts from my brain and not forcing myself to do things I don’t want to do. But as a person with ADHD I suspect I need *some* coercion in my life. I’ll explain:
It is actually quite easy for me to notice myself thinking “I should be working” and then check with myself if I want to be doing that. If I don’t, then I let go of the thought and stop feeling guilty. Surprisingly easy. But what happens when I actually want to do it?
Sometimes I think “I’d really like to do yoga right now” but then my brain comes up with a million nonsense reasons why I shouldn’t do that (it’s too early/late, it’s Thursday and you haven’t done yoga the whole week so just start on Monday, etc)
Or maybe I don’t have counter reasons but I don’t feel like I have the mental or physical energy to do it, even if I have been lying in bed all day. Or sometimes I just can’t get myself to do it because scrolling social media is more rewarding for my brain. But I WANT to do yoga.
@ABCsofADHD talks a lot about this phenomenon of not being able to do the things you actually want to do. What then? As I write this I’m realizing I can reframe non-coercion to be about eliminating those nonsense reasons ie. Eliminating “I should do yoga only at X hours”
But as I said, most times it’s not only about those reasons. Should I find ways to coerce myself to do the things I actually want to do? How can I do that? Anyone wanna help an #ADHD friend out?
Improving this would also be helpful to re-build the self trust that @visakanv talks about losing and regaining in this excellent thread (which I encourage every ADHDer to read) https://twitter.com/visakanv/status/1293266325708529665
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