Happy Halloween, I'm going to post some of my favorite spooky Inkt*bers been the past few years
Another from cerca.... 2015?
Not overtly scary, but I really like this one
West of loathing's "Eyeball Man," cerca 2018?
My starbound boy, Russ, running away from a cosmic terror
Thinking about the Mothman, but is it Mothman? Who knows!
This piece feels like the spiritual successor to the last one
A piece very much inspired by a Junji Ito comic where some stalker manages to hide in a family's pipes
There's a meme of a cat with freakishly human eyes. I had to draw it
I tried remaking this piece as a full painting, but honestly, is think this sketchbook piece is the best version of it
This is not scary but it is adorable and ghosts are involved
Based off a dream I had about angels inhabiting small, crude atomatons
Another dream, where a wolf in a lake whispered to a boy, yelling him to jump in. The boy didn't come back out.
Another dream. I don't remember the narrative, but I do remember the location well.
Based off one of the few DND sessions I've ever been a part of
Literally inspired by the Talking Heads song "Once in a lifetime" . ('cause it's a taking head that divines and finds water underground...)
I introduced the color red! In DBD, three nurse knows when people are healing with "Nurse's Calling"
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