Short Thread - My Closing Statement on the 2020 Election

2 Minute Read

Let's compare what we've been living through these past 4 years to the Preamble to the Constitution.

The overall objective:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union . . .
The goals of the document:

. . . establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity . . .
The action taken:

. . . do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

So how are we doing?

Our Union is far from perfect. In fact, it is the most divided it has been since April 12, 1861.

Establish Justice? Trump/Barr have undermined Justice.
Ensure domestic Tranquility? Trump's divisive rhetoric has intentionally destroyed tranquility.

Provide for the common defence?
Trump is clear, he is President of his supporters & no one else. Even then, his defense is strictly self-serving as #COVID19 clearly demontrates.
Promote the general Welfare? He downplayed a pandemic that will kill approx 400,000 Americans before he finishes his first term. If he's reelected, it could be millions.

Secure Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity?
Trump is a would-be Dictator who seeks to destroy Democracy.
He has resisted oversight, ignored subpoenas, refused to participate in or allow testimony.

Fired those who would dare speak against him, undermined the whistleblower program & openly attacked, even threatened those who dare speak the truth - (loyal, tenured civil servants).
It is impossible to support both the US Constitution and Donald Trump (and his enablers/supporters). They are clearly opposing forces.

It's clear, through their writings, that the founding fathers would not have supported a Trump-like Presidency. In fact, they warned against it.
So, as you vote, your choice isn't between a Republican and a Democrat. It's between Donald Trump, (his words, actions, objectives, and behavior) and the US Constitution.

Helpful hint, as you consider your choices - Trump isn't sent by God, nor does he embrace Christian values.
Please vote wisely. Vote like a patriot should . . . While you still have that option.

BTW - Do you really think every news outlet on Earth is reporting fake news, except @FoxNews?

You know what's true and what you want to hear. If those 2 things are different, that's on you.
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