J-hope dance style in Black Swan- j-hope’s nuanced & emotionally wrought performance in Black Swan is grounded by deeply ingrained dance technique. It’s this foundation that allows him to bring fluidity with speed, stillness with dynamics & grace with power to this choreo #jhope
In the “do your thang” chorus, he takes a deep grande plie in second. Using strength & flexibility of hip flexors, quads & hamstrings, he centers his torso over his pelvis even when shifting between his feet & drives the change in direction from his head instead of shoulders
Isolating his chest & pelvis frees his shoulders so that he’s able use them in epaulement. j-hope sweeps his front arm across and parallel to his hips in a variation of 2nd arabesque & gives the movement a sinuous, gliding quality #제이홉 #jhope
j-hope’s lower body strength also provides power & balance to his floorwork. From a 1-legged squat, he effortlessly propels his hips high into the air, spinning 180 deg, & completing the arc by extending & kicking a fully straight working leg #제이홉 #jhope
Because BS was meant to be performed with bare feet, j-hope uses his high arches, flexible metatarsals & stable ankles to move, transfer & pivot quickly, keeping his weight forward on the balls of his feet - similar to classically trained dancers #제이홉 #jhope
j-hope lets his fluid upper chest & back accent and highlight emotional beats in the song. He initiates the body rolls from the base of his lower spine, suggesting internal transformation rather than a sensual moment  #제이홉 #jhope
On the lyrics “bump bump bump,” he rolls, contorts and pops his chest outward as if his heart is exploding from within #제이홉 #jhope
j-hope starts his arm extension from the middle of his back, giving greater length to his reach. He matches that extended arm with the line of his shoulders to make the longest line, similar to the arabesque arms in Swan Lake #제이홉 #jhope
j-hope punctuates and finishes his line with his expressive hands. As a ballet dancer would, he separates and extends his fingers, keeping them soft, distinguished & free of tension, letting them breathe & float with his arms  #제이홉 #jhope
But he also spreads them when the movement is dramatic & powerful, projecting energy out through his fingertips #제이홉 #jhope
j-hope’s style in BS isn’t a reflection of hip-hop dance, but of pure dance technique. Focusing on phrasing arcs & emotional beats, his movement tells a story and takes the audience on a journey. This is what dance is meant to do & few in his sphere are as adept at it as j-hope
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