Legit curious as to how many people are in the closet because coming out would be incredibly cringe and they'd rather live a simulacrum of when being gay was niche and cool instead of being a socially celebrated smoke flare for faghags and soyjaks to swarm in and accessorize them
Same goes for being lesbian, bi, trans etc

What on Earth made you think this rotten patch of meadow is where you want to saunter over to lmao are you ret*rded

Good job on giving up at least some ambient oddness for full normiefication, enjoy your student debt and mortgage
This is why I support full de-normalization

Make everything weird again. Make life a phantasmagoria where everyone is a paradise bird simultaneously showing off their plumage and hiding from predators again

Every man an island. Every person content (both meanings)
Oh you wanted kids and a normal life, aka the shit nobody actually normal does anymore

Lol playa I remember you being a leader rather than a follower, guess the avant ain't so guarde anymore

Absolute nuclear L
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