An observation of the political process and its inherent flaws which we’re all gamed into.

A thread 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
1/ Politicians create a false choice on the most important topics of the day.

Examples: the environment - total destruction vs zero impact.
2/ Politicians then create a false narrative about that choice and the other political parties belief and actions regarding that false choice.

Example: Abortion - Republicans want to take away a women's rights over her body, Democratis want to murder unborn children.
3/ Politicians then create a false battle.

Each side takes the false choice of the other side and comes up with a list of issues around the false narrative and then goes to "war",  creates division, us vs them, etc
4/ Then others find it easy to profit on these false beliefs.

Example: Fox vs CNN. You get your audience to tune in to validate their misguided beliefs about the other side, sell advertisement, excite and rally them into an us vs them.
5/ An alternative - create a true and actionable narrative that looks for common ground.

Example: Government size - its not about big vs small its about effectiveness vs ineffectivenss same as penis size :)
6/ Underlying Themes -

a. No common set of facts, false belief about the choice and narrative on important issues
b. Us vs them
c. Focus on amplified and false differences vs common ground and truth
d. Character of the messengar becomes the distraction
8/ Thanks to CB for the input.

Chaos begins on Monday.
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