I remember when Corbyn was assaulted, punched in the back of the head, as he was sitting in a mosque. I remember the BBC reporting he was ‘egged’/hit with an egg, as if it was something harmless, cartoonish. I remember Rachel Riley & Francis Barber mocking the attack. 1/
Corbyn had also received a death threat by this time.

How many other blue-ticks & MPs laughed at Corbyn being attacked, or misrepresented it, or ignored it? Who spoke up for him, as a human? Who spoke up for common decency?

I remember @RhonddaBryant tweeted ‘Gosh I hope he’s alright.’ Since Corbyn was LOTO & since Jo Cox had been murdered, one would’ve expected Labour MPs & other members of the house, to have shown some compassion or at least concern? No?

It was the silence that sickened me.

The silence scared & worried me.

Labour MPs have spat insults at Corbyn for 5 years, levelled all manner of venal, cruel, unfounded accusations against him.

Which of those showed humanity after a death threat and an assault he suffered?

Jeremy Corbyn could never be the victim. Just as he wasn’t permitted to prove skill or show vision, neither could he be the *victim of an *extremist because we had to believe *he was the *extremist.

Who in the press properly represented what had happened to him?

Yet the clamour against Corbyn rose & the wickedness levelled against *him just grew.

A dedicated long-standing parliamentarian, an anti-war, anti-imperialist anti-racist decent, compassionate hard-working man has been vilified, eviscerated & de-boned, re-fashioned as a demon, a monster, an existential threat to the UK & British Jews.

Epstein raped & trafficked young girls, Peter Mandelson & Tony Blair flew on his jet, played on his island & went shopping with him. Prince Andrew raped a minor.

But clever @Baddiel & @RevRichardColes saw Corbyn’s covert antisemitism in the way he said EpsHtein - Corbyn’s compassionate response about the suffering of Epstein’s victims & the horror of Epstein’s crimes, were nothing compared to Corbyn’s crimes - he’s the real monster.

All of Corbyn’s supporters are Trots, Marxists, cultists, Magic Grandpa idiots & of course, antisemites.

English society is a bear pit. All those who actively took part in the smear project against Corbyn are base, without humility, compassion, emotional intelligence or grace. They, along with Trump & Cummings et al have opened Pandora’s Box & poisoned our society.

These people-hate-mongers, liars & spreaders of falsity-include writers, lawyers, celebrities, actors, broadcasters, pundits, hacks, chefs, entertainers, comedians, barristers & politicians from all parties ...

These people have ‘othered’ socialists, as if we were shit on their shoes. Socialists whose aim is “freedom for all.” They have manifest MAYHEM.

My eyes have been opened.

I hope all of our eyes are open.

Corbyn will be vindicated. And so will all those who stood by him - his allies, who have been treated with the utmost contempt & vileness - most shockingly this includes left-wing Jews.

My belly is sickened by what I’ve witnessed the last couple of years. I’m new to politics. I joined Labour *because of Corbyn. I’m appalled, saddened & shocked by the in-civility & the depravity.
I’ve witnessed a faith being weaponised to gain political points & destroy an inspirational movement & a man - so many people are hurt.

I don’t really have the words.

How unnecessary. How venal & cruel.


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