I'm starting to think the demise of an entire country looks similar to the demise of a marriage. A series of incidents, until at one point, you wake up and realize, yeah, it's over.

Caravans of armed Trumpers trying to run a Biden bus off the road, voters being intimidated.
The violence is here already, it's just not everywhere, I suspect that is what it's going to keep looking like. Some of us will be reading about it, while others experience it.

Short of a decisive landslide, expect an American you never imagined.
You really should be preparing to hang tight in your houses for a bit starting Tuesday night. We are walking into the unknown.
Due to films, we have been conditioned to think all the bad stuff happens at once, when in reality, that's not how it goes. Armed caravans trying to chase the "opposition" off the road, while the sitting leader essentially gives it the thumbs up.

It's bad, fam.
The fact that so many of us think that our votes will magically make it all better is scaring me. That means many of us are not ready for bad.

There is do we get a 2nd term and if he loses/accepts it, what terror will he inflict in his remaining days?
Should he lose and decide to leave, what about all the rabid racists he led from their caves? Do you think they will slink away? I think not. We have danger coming on multiple fronts, and yeah, there is still Covid.
I would say the war has already started, the other side is aware of that. Meanwhile on the left-ish, they have us thinking shit will magically be okay.
The media has been a major player in creating a false sense of normal during this election.

Folks like @sarahkendzior and @umairh have been telling us to wake up. Others as well, by all indicators, democracy as we once knew it, is not coming back on the menu.
Someone should be telling us to not expect that "normal" is returning. For some reason, people can't connect the dots.

No doubt, we are exhausted from living through a pandemic, but we will need a collective strength that we have never had before, and we need it now.
Instead, of planning for our survival, we are trying to have Thanksgiving. Not a good plan, if you ask me.
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