
Let’s talk about you losing the election. You know it’s happening, even if the sycophants you have around you are telling you you’re winning.

The American people have had enough. Enough lies. Enough job loss. Enough food lines. Enough racism. Enough death.
You’ve been laying the groundwork for weeks to challenge the election results in the Supreme Court. Because you know you’re going to lose. You’re going to lose by such a huge number of votes, there will be no doubt who Americans have chosen as president.
For you to ignore the will of the people, including thousands of republicans, by challenging the results, is the single most pathetic thing you can do. It shows you as the whiny, infantile, petty little man you are.

Doing so also delegitimizes your current presidency.
And should by some quirk of dishonesty you be handed the win, there will be so many challenges, lawsuits, and investigations that you will be tied up in court for months.

We know what your issue is. You’ve got some thugs in several countries you owe money too, and no way to pay.
And as if that’s not enough, the SDNY is hot on your ass and salivating at the thought of indicting you and your grifter kids. Frankly you should be more scared of her than the thugs.

Anyway, here’s my advice. Take it like the man you’ve never been before. Suck it up sunshine.
Try to lose gracefully for once. And if you truly care about the American people, do the right thing. Let us move on peacefully and start to heal. We didn’t get you in debt with thugs. We didn’t cause you to break the law so that SDNY wants your hide.
Don’t take it out on us. Give us one semblance of decorum with a peaceful transition of power. Be a man, for once. Accept that the better person for the job will win fair and square.

And it won’t be you. It will be Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

#PresidentJoeBiden #VPKamalaHarris
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