How does it makes sense that the CDC, the FDA and the NIH which saw exactly zero patients for the year, are saying not to treat covid prior to hospitalization. I think they were speaking to their own experience, which is zero. Have they ever heard of disease mitigation??
Not all disorders have cures. Covid 19 results in an infectious flu like syndrome accompanied by inflammation, thrombosis and difficulty breathing. Every practitioner in the world deals with inflammation on an outpatient basis. The amount of medications are numerous including
Steroids, HCQ, IL-6 inhibitors, colchicine and more. These can all be given as an outpatient. Prevention of thrombosis with aspirin, eliquis, zarelto and more is all done on an outpatient basis. Breathing treatments with budesonide and other inhaled steroids improve breathing.
Are they that out of touch with medicine. I graduated from medical school 32 years ago. We used many different drugs to treat HIV patients. When Fauci tried to stop us from using Bactrim on hiv pts for pneumocystis, every doc I know ignored him bc we saw it was working.
Many Docs have become cowards and shills for pharma and vax companies. . It’s sad. Pharma get smarter!! Stop polluting science. Docs get braver!! Docs weren’t owned by hospitals, pharma and academia. They weren’t afraid to take on the system bc they were part of the community.
If you’re a doc not treating covid as an outpatient, explain to me how you don’t know how to treat inflammation, potential blood clots and breathing issues? Even if you don’t believe there’s an ability to attack the pathogen. Are you no longer treating RA and other inflammatory
diseases, did you stop treating patients with atrial fib with aspirin, zarelto and eliquis. Have you stopped giving nebulizers to your asthma patients. Where is your humanity for this disease. It’s hypocrisy to not treat. The Hippocratic oath means to help your patients
Stand up for your patients. Stop hiding from this disease. Even if you don’t agree HCQ/IVM/DOXY/AZ lower the pathogen load. Some do lower inflammation, blood clot potential and secondary bacterial infections. Don’t call the fda, the cdc, or the nih, call 
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