The con man's legacy is shaped by his narrow interests.
Outside of trade, immigration, a personal war against the "Deep State" and the hot foreign policy issue of the moment, trump has left many of his Cabinet secretaries to work without direction. If only he had allowed the #COVID19 task force to do their job without interference.
As a result of trump's lack of interest in much of domestic policy, whole swaths of his administration — Education, Housing and Urban Development and Transportation, to name a few — have escaped even the barest presidential attention.
The economy: Trump made good on his pledges to cut taxes and regulation, which helped create jobs but didn't achieve the levels of economic growth that he had promised.

trump’s trade policies were a mixed bag, improving on NAFTA while flailing on China.
Health care: trump’s failure to contain covid-19 will be his most lasting health care legacy.
trump started off with a high-profile failure to repeal the ACA, and though the administration has chipped away at some parts of the law, most of that could be easily undone.
The oil, natural gas and coal industries are all struggling due to prevailing market conditions despite trump’s efforts to support them. This is a reminder that despite presidential powers, markets still control commodities.
On climate change, trump’s impact will likely be vast and long-lasting. He has repealed dozens of environmental regulations and infused the U.S. government with a systematic dismissal and scrutiny of mainstream climate-change science.
Almost all presidents prefer a weaker dollar because it makes U.S. exports cheaper for foreign buyers and increases U.S.-based companies' foreign profits. But few other presidents in history ever talked about it as explicitly as trump or called for it.
trump constantly proclaimed he benefitted the stock market, and he badgered and harassed the Federal Reserve when he thought interest rates weren't low enough.
The con man's legacy is shaped by his narrow interests, but the US would have been better served if only he had never spent any time interfering with his advisors.
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