One minute, 30 seconds into his speech in Butler and Trump is complaining about the media "lot of fake news out there," he says after grousing that nobody talks about the economy. And 2:15 in, he is again asserting (falsely) that Biden will end fracking.
Trump: “I have breaking news for Pennsylvania. Moments ago I signed an order to protect Pennslyvania fracking and block any effort to undermine energy production in your state. … If one of these maniacs come along you can say, ‘sorry about that.’”
Trump now showing a video with Biden and Harris earlier remarks on fracking, which largely support the idea that he wants to transition away from fossil fuels down the road. And making fun of Biden's verbal gaffes.
Video now includes a Halloween spoof which features someone in a Joe Biden mask trick-or-treating. The mask is removed featuring ... Kamela Harris.

"There's a lot of truth in that, isn't there?" says Trump as it ends.
Trump doing the shout out to local reps, says he's heard that Luke Negron, who is challenging Mike Doyle in Pittsburgh, is doing very well in his race.
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