2. Q: Can I still move house?

A: Yes – the housing market will remain open throughout this period. Everyone should continue to play their part in reducing the spread of the virus by following the current guidance.
3. Q: Are the mortgage holidays ending?

A: No – the mortgage payment holidays will no longer end today and there will be further information published by the FCA on Monday.
4. Q: Should I still go to work on a construction site next week?

A: Yes – anyone who cannot work effectively from home should travel to work and follow the relevant guidance for their workplace. This is essential to keeping the country operating and supporting vital sectors.
5. Q: Will my local Place of Worship close?

A: They can remain open – but only for limited activities such as individual prayer, funerals & formal childcare. Sadly communal prayer will not be possible at this time, & weddings will only be permitted in exceptional circumstances.
6. Q: I previously shielded – will I need to do so again?

A: We will not ask people to shield in the same way again but if you are clinically extremely vulnerable you should minimise contact with others. We will publish full guidance the next few days.
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