(THREAD) For years, readers asked me to share the shocking, fully sourced content of the 2,500-page Proof trilogy in new ways. The books exist—and this feed exists—but now we also have the limited-series PROOF podcast. This thread shares all 10 episodes. I hope you'll RETWEET it.
(1) I expect this will be my last political thread on Twitter, as following a brief social media break, I'll be moving into other spheres of journalism—particularly journalism on the future of journalism. It's a conversation America needs to have and one I want to participate in.
(2) My writing on Twitter will continue! Just on different topics—small-p "political" topics, like how we evolve journalism—rather than domestic policy debates or candidate horse-races. I want to thank everyone who follows this feed for many years of amazing support and kindness.
(3) I also want to thank Simon & Schuster, Macmillan, Connect3/Cineflix, and four editors, directors, and/or cohosts—Priscilla Painton, Michael Flamini, Pablo Salzman, and Thomas Morton—for making the three Proof books (Collusion, Conspiracy, Corruption) and the podcast possible.
(4) The Proof books, and the podcast I include each episode of in this thread, are warnings to America and will continue to be. The trilogy's 2,500 pages and 12,000 major-media citations tell us exactly who Trump is and the danger he's posed and will continue to pose to America.
(5) If you've read the Proof books—or if long-form nonfiction isn't your bag, and you decide to listen to the podcast instead—you know what we're headed toward now and why. You don't need me calling play-by-play—or anyone doing that. Trump has already told us all we need to know.
(6) I hope the books/podcast will remain a resource—as they're as much about the future as the present or past. I did my best to compile the most reliable info we have about what America has gone through and is about to go through. So did many others I write about/RT often here.
(EP. 1) "Unpacking the Trump political saga ultimately means unpacking the Trump business saga—which takes us back to before the dirty tricks of 2016. Following the story also requires a new understanding of media—and why it packages news the way it does."
(EP. 2) "We unravel the tangled tale of Trump's business endeavors over the last 30 years—identifying the rogues' gallery of characters he's associated with. The metanarrative these interrelationships, data-points, and news items tell couldn't be clearer."
(EP. 3) "We discuss Trump's years of failed business dealings in Ukraine, his rising animosity toward anti-corruption crusaders there, and his comity with Putin puppets in Ukraine's government and energy market, including Dmitry Firtash and Paul Manafort."
(EP. 4) "Trump's thirst for a US-China trade-deal photo op, lucrative Chinese trademarks, and Biden dirt; his rejection of fall 2019 intel on COVID-19; and his desire to protect his golf-course investments all combined to kill more than 200,000 Americans."
(EP. 5) "We explore the real story of the COVID-19 pandemic, revealing, exclusively via the use of major-media reports that slipped through the cracks, that nearly everything we think we know about the coronavirus—even the timeline of its spread—is wrong."
(EP. 6) "We discuss the 'October surprises' Trump hoped would hand him victory in November 2020, including those that turned out to be duds, those we now know to be scams, and those that are exactly the sort of surprises Trump was surely hoping to avoid."
(EP. 7) "We unpack the plausible yet still unthinkable nightmare scenario: a president who loses his reelection bid but finds a way to stay in power with the implicit blessing of partisan elections officials, a hands-off SCOTUS, and a compliant House GOP."
(EP. 8) "We discuss the geopolitical conspiracy at the heart of the 2019 book 'Proof of Conspiracy'—a pre- and post-election course of collusion between Trump and his political team and the governments of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Israel, Egypt, and Bahrain."
(EP. 9) "We go on a global tour of Trump's most egregious clandestine international dealings. Included in the tour are harrowing new details about the actions of Trump and his aides, agents and associates in Egypt, Venezuela, Sudan, Iraq, Iran and Turkey."
(NOTE) The last chapter of the podcast—episode 10—drops tonight. I'll post it in this thread when it does. My hope is that the podcast extends my political journalism—and the topics covered by the Proof trilogy—even as I'm not producing new research in the weeks ahead. More soon!
(NOTE2) The podcast is of course also available anywhere you download your podcasts: Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Castbox, Spotify, Castro, and Pocket Casts, among others. It's a limited-series podcast, so it may not be around forever. I hope you'll check it out and share it widely!
(NOTE3) The podcast summarizes just a fraction of the story. In the event you find you want to read the full story:

⬛️ Proof of Collusion (2018): https://www.amazon.com/Proof-Collusion-Trump-Betrayed-America/dp/1982116080
🟥 Proof of Conspiracy (2019): https://www.amazon.com/Proof-Conspiracy-International-Collusion-Threatening/dp/1250256712
🟩 Proof of Corruption (2020): https://www.amazon.com/dp/1250272998?tag=macsupaduinstalpa-20
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