Any man who's ever watched porn, knowingly contributing to the human trafficking, pedophilia, divorce, societal rot, and unprecedented mass suffering, is gross. I'd never date, marry or have sex with them.
I'll even argue that coomerdom is more morally repugnant, since you you not being a coomer has only positive fx on your life. while secular women having to decide whether or not to be a single mother or abort, has massive ramifications.
so all the male scolds waving their fingers at modern secular women struggling with this in this oversexed hellscape, save your moral indignation.
If we lived in a stand up society where men as a collective were protective and moral and emotionally, spiritually and physically supportive of women, then you MIGHT have an argument, but women have never been more spiritually and emotionally abandoned as they are now
so from a secular and intellectual perspective, you can easily see why many would struggle with this choice.
this doesn't excuse women of their agency, or excuse their own part in this. but it speaks of the societal pressures that cause women to make these decisions.
"I'm single and I know I'll have to support myself and my future family in the workforce (which is the majority of women). not sure if jobless collegeguy groyper Anon who Ive been dating for 3 month will marry me and support our child" 🙄
"my own parents, doctors, academia and media have told me this is just a clump of cells since i've been alive, while men have been trying to get me to have sex since i started growing boobs"
if you honestly can't see how modern women struggle and suffer with that choice under moderinity, then you're kind of a shit person
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