
I’m stuck feeling off today. I have a friend I’ve known for over 15 years. Family man, worth well over 7 figures $ (trading, not crypto).

We used to lift together and had many summers overseas.

I met him today, he must’ve lost atleast 30kg. He told me he accidentally —

Got hooked on strong opioid medicine. From there he developed anxiety and started to take antidepressants. He’s addicted to a cocktail of drugs and is totally run down. He’s rich, has a family, absolutely beautiful house, cars, you name it.

But none of that makes him happy.

Please look after your soul folks.

The only truly valuable thing we’ve got is time and health. We never get any of them back. The soul, just like the body, needs nourishment.

Do not get lost in the search of riches. To top it all of, we’re now going into lockdown.

Are you drinking more than usual?
Smoking more? If so, why? To pass time or to numb yourself? If the latter, what exactly are you trying to numb down? Treat the root problem.

What you reveal you can heal.

Don’t want to sound like a shrink or a partypooper..

But take care.

My DM’s are always open if you want to get shit off your chest.

I often delete tweets, mostly clutter so I have a clean and organized TL.

I’ll most likely delete this thread in a few hours. I hope this reaches out to the right person.

$ is *useless* if your soul is dead.
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