GOP organizer Jen Loh aka Jennilyn Kae Lohmer used Facebook to recruit drivers along the routes and coordinate the effort to intercept the Biden Bus tour in Texas.
. @ericcervini
Jennilyn Kae Lohmer aka Jen Loh has been organizing Trump Trains (ie parades of trucks waving Trump flags,) across Texas for months and accepted Donald Trump Jr.'s challenge to harass the Biden bus tour.
Fortunately nobody was hurt, but the car with Biden staff sustained quite a bit of damage. Some Biden events in Texas were cancelled out of concerns for safety.
Jennilyn Kae Lohmer aka Jen Loh has been on the GOP pro circuit for years, organizing rallies & working with the Republican party, in addition to her former work with Latinos for Trump. She frequently travels to Portland for violent rallies with her friends in the Proud Boys.
Jen Loh shared video of the Trump Trains terrorizing the Biden bus in different cities and gloated about the harassment. #BidenBusTour
Predictable that Jen Loh will try to spin blame for this collision on the Biden staffer, even though video footage shows how aggressively the Trump Train was stalking the Biden bus, after Jen arranged for them to intercept.
Reports about trucks illegally parked along the freeway waiting on the Biden bus so they could move into place, as Jen Loh, aka Jennilyn Lohmer promised.
Texas Trump Train organizer Jen Loh still bragging about their efforts to terrorize the Biden Bus and blaming the libs. I think Jen may have also been a Trump delegate to the cancelled GOP convention.
Coincidentally Jen Loh (Jennilyn Lohmer) has jgone to DC to hold a press conference on Monday 11/2 at 2pm ET outside CNN. So if any media wanted to ask about her role in organizing Texas Trump Trains & terrorizing the Biden Bus, that would a good opportunity.
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