Conservative logic.

1. Solve climate change by entirely ignoring the problem.

2. Solve gun related violence by loosening gun laws.

3. Circumvent abortion rights by introducing "matter of conscience" legislation.

4. Protect statues over living beings.

5. Legislate cuts to healthcare services during a pandemic.

6. Maximize school class sizes but limit social gatherings.

7. Ignore social distancing & wearing masks but deflect blame on medical experts if you contract the Coronavirus.

8. Present conspiracy theories as facts

9. Claim to support Indegenous peoples but refuse to acknowledge or support the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indegenous peoples.

10. Claim to support the Black Lives Matters movement while completely ignoring or acknowledging systemic racism.
11. Claim to support LGBTQ2 rights but support conversion therapy.

12. Legislate big tax breaks to profitable corps while adamantly being against raising minimum wages by claiming it will bankrupt buisinesses.

13. Condemn white nationalism but share their propaganda.
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