good morning🌞happy Sunday! Today on #Insiders are Guardian politics journo and legendary live blogger Amy Remeikis, former Liberal Party staffer and murdoch columnist Niki Savva, and ex-murdoch man (Qld tabloid Courier Mail) Dennis Atkins.

This thread is not fact-checked.
hahaha yup. Incumbency is the spin. Victory in Queensland for Labor “continues the run of incumbents” says Speers in his opening spiel. Incumbency is powerful, he repeats.
the montage is basically clips from the ALP and LNP leaders speeches - victory for Labor COZ INCUMBENCY SEE and concession for the LNP. No word on where the LNP and how a campaign dominated by Scott Morrison (the minute he could get past the border) fucked up tho #Insiders
cut to Antony Green for a seat-by-seat stars. Speers asks Remeikis what she thinks really happened and then tells her that he, Speers, thinks “Labor lost some ground on the left to the Greens”. No word on what the LNP lost, which is the election. #Insiders
Remeikis runs through the Greens victory in south Brisbane - congrats btw - and some federal comparisons. Atkins basically repeats her points about Labor and blue collar workers. He calls the LNP campaign “powerful and aggressive” and a failure which um he would know. #Insiders
agreement from Savva despite a bit of Adani-baiting from the host. This is Anastasia Palaszcuzk’s victory, she says.
What about Morrison and Dutton putting pressure on her over borders? asks Speers.
It made Frecklington look weak and Palaszcuck look strong, says Savva. #Insiders
on to the collapse of the One Nation vote. Remeikis points to their pointlessness and uselessness and the live-on-national-telly-Ashby meltdown. Savva cuts in to say the One Nation vote did not default back to the ALP #insiders
oh Atkins wants to cut in and clarify what the young woman journo said too. He says One Nation voters are older and this election older voters went across to Labor because they trusted the ALP premier (not the Liberal prime minister) on coronavirus and borders. #Insiders
oh ffs. The interview is with federal shadow environment minister Terri Butler and we get a bunch of “inside baseball” bullshit. Speers already mentioned Adani once. He knows it is at the intersection of Butler’s portfolio and this election. #Insiders
so the way Speers repositions to more relevant context than localised ALP hatred of the Greens is to ask why federal Labor are such massive losers [paraphrased]. Righto David. #Insiders
Butler, as did Savva, says the week Scott Morrison spent campaigning in FNQ strengthened the Labor vote. Speers moves right along from these truths, which make him uncomfortable. #Insiders
finally, portfolio specific issues. What does Butler think of the [militarising climate catastrophe] Royal Commission report? This government needs to tell people what they will do to reduce emissions, says Butler, which is not strong enough for my liking. #Insiders
Six years of ALP federal government saw emissions reduce by 6% while the Liberals are in their 8th year of government and emissions have been reduced by 1% says Butler. Their minister (fantastic move Angus) doesn’t believe in renewables, she adds, correctly. #Insiders
the Morrison government put the review on the shelf and dusted off 2014 draft bill instead and then didn’t even put it to the Senate, Butler says, on environmental approvals (sorry I missed which report this was). #Insiders
these are important points. Over 95% of approvals are made late, denying investment certainty, and a result of successive Coalition governments gutting the environment department, says Butler. Re previous tweet: the Samuals report. #Insiders
the simplistic gotcha question which insults the intelligence of his audience is “more gas or less”? Speers tries to force Butler to confirm to this ridiculous binary four times. When she presents actual info on the piss-weak Morrison gov position he says alright see ya #Insiders
now the actual montage. Clip of Frydenberg lying about Victoria. Of Berejiklian doing her footsoldier of Morrison routine, meddling in the Queensland election as Morrison unsuccessfully did #Insiders
re-opening Victoria is the next topic. Speers says that the parliamentary debate on the [ALP] motion to congratulate Victoria was fiery and asks Remeikis if Frydenberg got the tone right? No, says Remeikis. #Insiders
after Remeikis details everything wrong with Frydenberg’s furious histrionics, Speers plays a clip of and says “Niki you have a very different take, right?” Savva claims that the overwrought bills hit from Frydenberg was sincere. She calls it a very good speech. #Insiders
oh I see. The point of Savva defending Frydenberg is to defend the aggressive clownery the Victorian Liberals constantly indulged in on the usual ground: not everybody supported the [100% SUCCESSFUL] lockdown says Savva and they have a right to have their opinion heard. #Insiders
similar tory talking points from Atkins, all speculative, nothing on the incredible level of compliance and success in Victoria, just imaginary rights and freedoms that comfy whites like to chuck around to further their political agenda. #Insiders
the non-consensual vaginal cavity searches performed on Aust women in Qatar. Clip of Paine at estimates saying the government takes this [gross violation] seriously. Savva wonders why it took so long for the story to break. #Insiders
turns out there was a DFAT woman official who was not “searched” and reported back and the story broke 3 weeks later, according to Savva, so that kind of dents the claims Paine and Morrison made about the government caring. #Insiders
back we go to what Speers apparently considers to be an important story: what the prime minister thinks about executive bonuses in the form of pricey watches. Did the PM overreact? he asks Atkins. #Insiders
in a word, yes. A conga line of big names who came out in support of Holgate. Atkins mentions that the Blackmore CEO defended Holgate but not that Holgate was recruited to Aust Post from Bkackmores. #Insiders
apparently Holgate is considering legal action against the PM? I may have that wrong. Remeikis thankfully points to the $100 million in bonuses paid to Aust Post managers so the [overblown] focus on watches is indeed all “about the optics” she says. #Insiders
doubling the Davids with a cross to Lipson on the US election. He says Washington DC retailers have been boarding up shops, the cops are “anticipating some sort of blow up” but the question is where it comes from, he says, wrongly. The Q is how to contain it. #Insiders
#RabbitsandCoffee is up. Link not on #Insiders feed yet. Some VERY salient clips of Trump giving himself away. This will be the most corrupt election in years, Trump promises the crowd at one of his superspreader events.
onto panel views of the US poll. Savva says it is hard to predict, Biden is preaching unity but the US is too divided, Trump is erratic, “we” could have an ally in Biden on climate change she says nonsensically. Our federal government is climate denial central #Insiders
one thing we do know is if Trump loses he will not go quietly says Speers, smiling broadly. Atkins picks up the climate change thread, still on the false assumption that the Aust federal government wants action on climate change. All the evidence points elsewhere. #Insiders
that’s if Biden survives the four years, Savva interjects ghoulishly. In which case we should listen carefully to his running mate, she says. Speers chuckles nervously at this open reference to Biden potentially keeling over in the Oval Office. #Insiders
#TalkingPictures here.
nothing says reconciliation like a chainsaw says Benny. Boom. #Insiders
Hew Parkinson clip here.
#FinalObservations 1 is Amy Remeikis saying, on the Djab Wurrung trees destroyed this week, it is time we white Australians stopped telling First Nations people what is culturally significant 👏🏼👏🏼 #Insiders
missed Dennis Atkins sorry. #FinalObservations 3 is Niki Savva saying no Liberal Party woman has put her hand up to replace Mathias Corman and this is a reflection of the tawdry treatment and ignominious exit [paraphrased] of [talentless show pony] Julie Bishop #Insiders
this has been another edition of watching #Insiders so you don’t have to👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼
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