1/n #SadarPranam to Ishvara within you Mahanthir ji.

I'm sorry to to say but your opinion about #FranceBeheading & subsequent events is not right. I respond to your each points in this thread.

Do respond should you have enough substance. https://twitter.com/chedetofficial/status/1322189266152124416
2/n Mr @chedetofficial , you state that being a Muslim you would not approve of killing. But the truth is otherwise.

In fact beheading comes as prescription.

Qur’an 8.12, 47.4 talk about it. Snippets are attached.
3/n People often argue that these two verses of Qur’an are in context of war. But isn't is so that the purpose of Islam itself is to establish "Dar al-Islam" throwing off "Dar al-Harb". And as per Qu'ran, this can not be achieved without peace but with war, ie Jihad.
4/n France, like India is "Dar al-harb"hence any action by Muslim against Kafir is part of Jihad to establish "Dar al-Islam."

No one would mock Muhammad in "Dar al-Islam" and hence why would beheading even occur? Though if one does there, punishments are horrible.
5/n Mr @chedetofficial , in fact instances of beheading are quite common.

As per Ibn Ishaq, Muhammad had chopped the heads of people from Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayza.
6/n Post "Battle of Hattin," Saladin personally beheaded Raynald of Châtillon; the Christian knight who served in the Second Crusade.

Source: Sharan Newman's "The Real History Behind the Templars," pg. 133
7/n Forces of the Ottoman Empire invaded the city of Otranto and its citadel in 1480. More than 800 of its inhabitants refusing to convert to Islam were beheaded.

Source: Christians - Their First Two Thousand Years, Renaissance: God in Man, A.D. 1300 to 1500., pg 131
9/n 1997, the Armed Islamic Group of Algeria beheaded 200 villagers in Benthalia. https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A24986-2004Jul3.html
13/n Al-Zarqawi's most publicized murders was that of American Citizen Nick Berg through method of beheading. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3712421.stm
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