There is a lot of bad theology masquerading as #lockdown wisdom. Chief is the notion that it doesn’t matter if you can go to Mass or not. Christ gave us the sacraments for a reason. If we’re not at Mass, we’re missing out on what Christ personally invited us to.
For a Christian in the Protestant demonisations where the sacraments instituted by Christ are not that important, zoom or Facebook may be a good substitute. But Catholics - whether they realise it or not - need the sacraments.
It’s said - in good faith, no doubt - that being banned from going to Mass helps us live like those Catholics regularly denied the Mass in other parts of the world. But we must recognise that their situation is sub-optimal and not something to strive for.
This pandemic has exposed that some people are more vulnerable and others more frightened about public worship. The dispensation from attending must remain - but those who can gather in a safe way must be allowed to do do.
I’ve heard some argue that we need a less sacramental Church or a Church less-centred on the Mass. people said the same 500 years ago and created their own following of Jesus. A Church not centred on the Mass is not the Church.
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