1)It’s obvious @jkenney doesn’t understand the basic Systems constructs which allow a society to remain safe & recover from an event like a pandemic.

For instance, bread will not rise without yeast, no matter how much flour it has.

A healthcare system cannot sustain itself on
2) the work of Doctors or Nurses alone. Front line hospital employees are vital to the success of the whole system.

In fact, it will inevitably lead to a breakdown of the entire system (unsustainably).
-Doctors burnout
-Nurses become overworked
-Quality of patient care ⬇️
3) -⬆️stressors on healthcare employees & patients
-system cannot keep up with demand

This creates a destructive feedback loop, which ultimately impacts the society on a widespread level.

Kenney & the @Alberta_UCP have demonstrated they do not comprehend the magnitude of
4) what’s happening. They have no real plan. They have no long term vision. A GOV’T CANNOT SIMPLY CUT ITS WAY OUT OF A CATASTROPHE. It’s one of the most basic principles of Systems.

Alberta deserves real leadership... & the answer is to #RecallKenney‼️ #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
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