I genuinely cannot believe that there are people who can see courts ruling to change the deadlines for when ballots need to be received, armed Trump supporters patrolling polling locations, and declaring that "the system is working." What system? And who is it working for? https://twitter.com/vivian/status/1322630845493030912
If a *single* vote cast before the polls close doesn't get counted, then no, the system is not "working."

If a *single* person who wants to vote isn't able to, then no, the system is not "working."

Stop enabling fascism. I'm sick of it.
And again, in 2000, the right-wingers on the supreme court decided that we should all just stop counting the ballots in Florida so that we'll never actually know who won and instead just hand the presidency to Bush. How can anyone say this system "works?" In any sense?
It "works" to protect the powerful. It "works" to prevent people from making meaningful positive change. It "works" in the sense that we operate under a system where a candidate can be loathed by 60% of the country and win.

It doesn't work. It's never worked.
I'm sick and I'm tired of everything. And the fact that there are so many people who are still willing to pretend that any of this is fine or normal... it makes me sick.

Stop downplaying this.
"The mechanics of democracy are strong."

That's just false. Our system enables minority rule, minority tyranny. How tf is anyone going to say that the "mechanics of democracy are strong?" What a joke. What a total joke.
One of the country's two major parties has just full-on embraced fascism and there are people out here like, "it's fine. Just vote! Don't worry!" as ballots are being tossed by the judges put in power by that party.
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