Can we talk about how (mostly white, male) writers for TV & movies have written all the dialogue?
How practically every media depiction of someone in a minority group is an actor opening their mouths and a white man's voice is speaking? (THREAD) (1/6)
She's in scrubs: she knows where the tourniquets are.
BUT she chooses to whip off the hijab, to prove to our audience that she is a doctor first and a hijabi second. Our white audience apparently needed to know that to like her. (2/6)
But what got me thinking is the strange comment on one of these posts: "she is Muslim and it's her decision whether or not to wear the scarf."
That was not a Muslim woman's decision.
The actress is not Muslim; the writer (I ~have~ to think!) is not Muslim. (3/6)
So: no Muslim woman "chose" to whip off her hijab in such a manner.
You're arguing that for what WRITERS would MAKE a Muslim woman would do, for pathos. (4/6)
When I hear a Black character tell a white character that they know they're not being racist, I hear the desperate echo of the (probably white) writer behind their words: "tell me I'm good! Validate me!" and I do hate them for it. (5/6)
HIRE DISABLED writers, hire BLACK writers, hire LATINX writers, hire WOMEN. Hire BI people and ACE people and TRANS people. We're all out here trying to make sense of the world, but we can't always understand other people's experiences through our own lens. (6/6)
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